2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Medical Data Management Status and Plans

5 Sept 2007, 08:00
10h 10m
Victoria, Canada

Victoria, Canada

Board: 99
poster Grid middleware and tools Poster 2


Akos Frohner (CERN)


The goal of the Medical Data Management (MDM) task is to provide secure (encrypted and under access control) access to medical images, which are stored at hospitals in DICOM servers or are replicated to standard grid Storage Elements (SE) elsewhere. In gLite 3.0 there are three major components to satisfy the requirements: The dCache/DICOM SE is a special SE, which encrypts every requested image with a file specific key. It does not provide a storage area on its own, but interfaces a hospital's DICOM server to the grid. The gLite I/O server with a Fireman catalog service provides the access control by wrapping an SE, which holds medical images. And finally Hydra client library does the en/decryption of the files, using the file specific keys stored in the Hydra keystore. In gLite R3.1 we are planning to simplify the software stack by relying on richer functionality of the underlying components: as storage elements (for example DPM) provide ACLs on individual files, we can remove the wrapping gLite I/O layer from a storage element and access it directly from the client side. Refactoring of the dCache/DICOM SE is also necessary to unify the server side en/decryption and access control functionality in a single component. Finally the Hydra keystore is being split into distributed services for reliability and to reduce the impact of a compromised key server.


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