Maria Del Carmen Barandela Pazos
(University of Vigo)
In a High Energy Physics experiment it is fundamental to handle information
related to the status of the detector and its environment at the time of the
acquired event. This type of time-varying non-event data are often grouped
under the term “conditions”. The LHCb’s Experiment Control System groups all
the infrastructure for the configuration, control and monitoring of all the
components of the online system. It is in this environment where an interface
to define and store conditions is needed. These conditions are stored in the
Conditions Database. This database will contain a subset of the monitoring
data, read from hardware, that are needed for physics processing and also
some configuration data, like for example, the trigger settings. The Interface to
the Conditions Database has been developed as a component of the LHCb
control framework and it is based on a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition) system called PVSSII. It consists in a PVSS panel which allows
users to define which data should be stored as a condition, how these data
should be packaged and when these data should be updated: when they
change, when they change by more than a certain value, regular intervals, etc.
Once these data are updated they are sent to a server which is the
responsible to write and read the conditions from the database. This system
provides a very simple and flexible way to define conditions and it can also be
used by any sub detector because the way the information is transferred and
stored is completely transparent for the users.
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) | LHCb |
Maria Del Carmen Barandela Pazos
(University of Vigo)