Patrick Fuhrmann
With the start of the Large Hardron Collider at CERN, end of 2007, the associated
experiments will feed the major share of their data into the dCache Storage
Element technology at most of the Tier I centers and many of the Tier IIs
including the larger sites.
For a project, not having its center of gravity at CERN, and receiving contributions
from various loosely coupled sites in Europe and the US, this is certainly an
and financial challenge.
The presentation is meant to be the comprehensive overview of the numerous
sub-projects collectively known as dCache.org. Beside a brief introduction into the
dCache technology itself we will provide an insight into the project structure and
the various organizations dCache contributes to and gets contributions by.
The technical part will ocus on topics like the SRM 2.2 development,
the integration of the improved file name space provider (Chimera), including the ACL
the pluggable authorization module (gPlazma), the various file location
and scheduling mechanisms, the variety of dCache access protocols and many more.
Last but not least we are eager to give an outlook on the upcoming short and mid
term topics.
These are the generic posix data access to dCache via the nfs4.1 protocol, the
refurbished tertiary storage connector module, the dCache back-to-back transfer
mechanisms and the enhanced meta data storage technology ,provided by chimera.
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) | dCache.ORG |
Patrick Fuhrmann