2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
Please book accomodation as soon as possible.

The EELA Grid Infrastructure and HEP Applications in Latin America

6 Sept 2007, 14:00
Carson Hall B (Victoria, Canada)

Carson Hall B

Victoria, Canada

oral presentation Computer facilities, production grids and networking Computer facilities, production grids and networking


Dr Lukas Nellen (I. de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM)


The EELA project aims at building a grid infrastructure in Latin America and at attracting users to this infrastructure. The EELA infrastructure is based on the gLite middleware, developed by the EGEE project. A test-bed, including several European and Latin American countries, was set up in the first months of the project. Several applications from different areas, especially Bio-medicine and High Energy Physics were deployed immediately and others, from climate and e-learning, were added during the second half of the first year of the project. In High Energy Physics, EELA currently provides resources to ALICE and LHCb. Work on resources for ATLAS in EELA is on its way and collaborations have been established with the Latin American CMS groups. We will present the experience of the first 18 months of EELA and the current status. Finally, we will present the plans for future grid developments supporting the collaboration between Europe and Latin America, with particular emphasis on setting up a sustainable infrastructure.
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) The EELA project


Dr Lukas Nellen (I. de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM)

Presentation materials