Silvio Pardi
(University of Naples ``Federico II'' - C.S.I. and INFN)
The user interface is a crucial service to guarantee the Grid accessibility. The goal
to achieve, is the implementation of an environment able to hide the grid complexity
and offer a familiar interface to the final user.
Currently many graphical interfaces have been proposed to simplify the grid access,
but the GUI approach appears not very congenital to UNIX developers and users
accustomed to work with command line interface.
In 2004 the GridShell project proposed an extension of popular UNIX shells such as
TCSH and BASH with features supporting Grid computing.
Starting from the ideas included in GridShell, we propose IGSH (INFN-GRID SHELL) a
new login shell for the INFN-GRID middleware, that interact with the Resource Broker
services and integrates in a “naturally way” the grid functionality with a familiar
The architecture of IGSH is very simple, it consist of a software layer on the top of
the INFN-GRID middleware layer. When some operation is performed by the user, IGSH
takes in charge to parse the syntax and translate it in the correspondents INFN-GRID
commands according to some semantic rules specified in the next sections.
The final user interacts with the underlying distributed infrastructure by using IGSH
instead of his default login shell, with the sensation to work on a local machine.
Moreover IGSH shows interesting potentialities, by allowing the user to create
complex workflow by using the standard shell language.
The paper is structured as follows.
-the architecture of INFN-GRID shell
- jobs submission and data management facilities with IGSH.
- a first implementation with some use case.
- workflow
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) | Virgo |
Silvio Pardi
(University of Naples ``Federico II'' - C.S.I. and INFN)
Enrico Calloni
(University of Naples "Federico II")
Fabio Garufi
(University of Naples "Federico II")
Guido Russo
(University of Naples "Federico II")
Leopoldo Milano
(University of Naples "Federico II")
Rosario De Rosa
(University of Naples "Federico II" and INFN)