Pavel Reznicek
(IPNP, Charles University in Prague)
The LHC experiments will search for physics phenomena beyond the Standard Model
(BSM). Highly sensitive tests of beauty hadrons will represent an alternative
approach to this research. The analyzes of complex decay chains of beauty hadrons
will require involving several nodes, and detector tracks made by these reactions
must be extracted efficiently from other events to make sufficiently precise
measurements. This places severe demands on the software used to analyze the
B-physics data. The ATLAS B-physics group has written series of tools and algorithms
for performing these tasks, to be run within the ATLAS offline software framework
ATHENA. The presentation will describe this analysis suite, paying particular
attention to mechanisms for handling combinatorics, interfaces to secondary vertex
fitting packages, B-flavour tagging tools and finally Monte Carlo truth association
to pursue simulation data in process of the software validations which is important
part of the development of the Physics Analysis tools.
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) | ATLAS |
Maria Smizanska
(Lancaster University)
Pavel Reznicek
(IPNP, Charles University in Prague)