2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Complete Distributed Computing Environment for a HEP Experiment: Experience with ARC-Connected Infrastructure for ATLAS

5 Sept 2007, 08:00
10h 10m
Victoria, Canada

Victoria, Canada

Board: 77
poster Grid middleware and tools Poster 2


Prof. Alexander Read (University of Oslo, Department of Physics)


Computing and storage resources connected by the Nordugrid ARC middleware in the Nordic countries, Switzerland and Slovenia are a part of the ATLAS computing grid. This infrastructure is being commissioned with the ongoing ATLAS Monte Carlo simulation production in preparation for the commencement of data taking in late 2007. The unique non-intrusive architecture of ARC, it's straightforward interplay with the ATLAS Production System via the Dulcinea executor, and its performance during the commissioning exercise will be described. ARC support for flexible and powerful end-user analysis within the GANGA distributed analysis framework will be shown. Whereas the storage solution for this grid was earlier based on a large, distributed collection of gridftp-servers, the ATLAS computing design includes a structured SRM-based system with a limited number of storage endpoints. The characteristics, integration and performance of the old and new storage solutions are described. Although the hardware resources in this grid are quite modest, it has provided more than double the agreed contribution to the ATLAS production with an efficiency above 95% during long periods of stable operation. If time allows, the full chain will be demonstrated.
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) Particle Physics group, University of Oslo


Dr Adrian Taga (University of Oslo, Department of Physics) Prof. Alexander Read (University of Oslo, Department of Physics) Dr Bjørn Hallvard Samset (University of Oslo, Department of Physics) Dr David Cameron (University of Oslo, Department of Physics) Prof. Farid Ould-Saada (University of Oslo, Department of Physics) Ms Katarina Pajchel (University of Oslo, Department of Physics)


Dr Andrej Filipcic (Jozef Stefan Institute, Dept. for Experimental Particle Physics) Dr Mattias Ellert (University of Uppsala, Department of nuclear and particle physics) Dr Sigve Haug (University of Bern)

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