2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
Please book accomodation as soon as possible.

HPC at the Petascale and Beyond

Not scheduled
Victoria, Canada

Victoria, Canada


IBM's Blue Gene/L system had demonstrated that it is now feasable to run applications at sustained performances of 100's of teraflops. The next generation Blue Gene/P system is designed to scale up to a peak performance of 3.6 Petaflops. This talk will look at some of the key application successes already achieved at the 100TF scale. It will then address the emerging petascale architectures and look at the challanges which arise as the HPC world now starts to consider designing 100 Petaflop and Exaflop Systems. These challanges are very significant and include power, memory bandwidth, network bandwidth, reliability, systems software, and applications.


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