Ianna Osborne
(Northeastern University)
The event display and data quality monitoring visualisation
systems are especially crucial for commissioning CMS in the
imminent CMS physics run at the LHC. They have already proved
invaluable for the CMS magnet test and cosmic challenge.
We describe how these systems are used to navigate and filter
the immense amounts of complex event data from the CMS detector
and prepare clear and flexible views of the salient features
to the shift crews and offline users. These allow shift staff
and experts to navigate from a top-level general view to very
specific monitoring elements in real time to help validate
data quality and ascertain causes of problems.
We describe how events may be accessed in the higher level
trigger filter farm, at the CERN Tier-0 centre, and in offsite
centres to help ensure good data quality at all points in the
data processing workflow. Emphasis has been placed on
deployment issues in order to ensure that experts and general
users may use the visuslisation systems at CERN, in remote
operations and monitoring centers offsite, and from their own
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) | CMS Offline grou |
Ianna Osborne
(Northeastern University)