William Badgett
We present the Online Web Based Monitoring (WBM) system of the CMS experiment,
consisting of a web services framework based on Jakarta/Tomcat and the
Root data display package. Due to security concerns, many monitoring
applications of the CMS experiment cannot be run outside of the experimental
site. As such, in order to allow remote users access to CMS experimental
status information, we implement a set of Tomcat/Java servlets running
in conjunction with Root applications to present current and historical
status information to the remote user on their web browser. The WBM
services act as a portal to activity at the experimental site. In addition
to HTML,java_scripts are used to mark up the results in a convenient
folder schema. No special browser options are necessary on the client side.
The primary source of data used by WBM is the online Oracle database;
the WBM tools provide browsing and transformation functions to convert
database entries into HTML tables, graphical plot representations,
XML, text and Root based object output. The Root object output includes
histogram objects and n-tuple data containers appropriate for download
and further analysis by the user. We have devised a system of meta-data
entries describing the heterogeneous database which allows the user
to plot arbitrary database quantities, including multiple value versus
time plots and time correlation plots. The tools can easily be extended
to allow detector case-specific displays, with examples from the CMS
Tracker and Hadronic Calorimeter shown.
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) | CMS |
William Badgett