Collaborative tools: CT 1
- Peter Clarke (National e-Science Centre, UK)
Collaborative tools: CT 2
- Peter Clarke (National e-Science Centre)
Steven Goldfarb
(University of Michigan)
03/09/2007, 14:00
Collaborative tools
oral presentation
I report on major current activities in the domain of Collaborative Tools, focusing
on development for the LHC
collaborations and HEP, in general, including audio and video conferencing, web
archiving, and more. This
presentation addresses the follow-up to the LCG RTAG 12 Final Report (presented at
CHEP 2006), including the
formation of the RCTF (Remote Collaboration Task Force) to...
Philippe Galvez
(California Institute of Technology)
03/09/2007, 14:20
Collaborative tools
oral presentation
The EVO (Enabling Virtual Organizations) system is based on a new distributed and
unique architecture, leveraging the 10+ years of unique experience of developing and
operating the large distributed production based VRVS collaboration system. The
primary objective being to provide to the High Energy and Nuclear Physics experiments
a system/service that meet their unique requirements of...
Emmanuel Ormancey
03/09/2007, 14:40
Collaborative tools
oral presentation
The need for Single Sign On has always been restricted by the lack of cross
platform solutions: a single sign on working only on one platform or technology
is nearly useless. The recent improvements in Web Services Federation (WS-
Federation) standard enabling federation of identity, attribute, authentication
and authorization information can now provide real extended Single Sign On...
Richard McClatchey
(University of the West of England)
03/09/2007, 15:00
Collaborative tools
oral presentation
The Health-e-Child (HeC) project is an EC Framework Programme 6 Integrated Project
that aims at developing an integrated healthcare platform for paediatrics. Through
this platform biomedical informaticians will integrate heterogeneous data and perform
epidemiological studies across Europe.
The main objective of the project is to gain a comprehensive view of a child's health
Maria Grazia Pia
(INFN Genova)
03/09/2007, 15:20
Collaborative tools
oral presentation
Computational tools originating from high energy physics developments provide
solutions to common problems in other disciplines: this study presents quantitative
results concerning the application of HEP simulation and analysis tools, and of the
grid technology, to dosimetry for oncological radiotherapy.
The study concerned all the three major radiotherapy techniques: therapy...
Giulio Eulisse
(Northeastern University)
03/09/2007, 15:40
Collaborative tools
oral presentation
We describe a relatively new effort within CMS to converge on a set of web based
tools, using state of the art industry techniques, to engage with the CMS offline
computing system. CMS collaborators require tools to monitor various components of
the computing system and interact with the system itself. The current state of the
various CMS web tools is described along side current planned...
Nicholas Robinson
05/09/2007, 16:30
Collaborative tools
oral presentation
CERN has long been committed to the free dissemination of scientific
research results and theories. Towards this end, CERN's own
institutional repository, the CERN Document Server (CDS) offers access
to CERN works and to all related scholarly literature in the HEP
domain. Hosting over 500 document collections containing more than
900,000 records, CDS provides access to anything from...
Douglas Smith
(Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
05/09/2007, 16:50
Collaborative tools
oral presentation
International multi-institutional high energy physics experiments require easy
means for collaborators to communicate coherently in a global community. To
fill this need, the HyperNews system has been widely used in HEP. HyperNews is
a discussion management system which is a hybrid between a web-base forum
system and a mailing list system. Its goal is to provide a tool for
Jeremy Herr
(University of Michigan)
05/09/2007, 17:10
Collaborative tools
oral presentation
Large scientific collaborations as well as universities have a growing need for
multimedia archiving of meetings and courses. Collaborations need to disseminate
training and news to their wide-ranging members, and universities seek to provide
their students with more useful studying tools. The University of Michigan ATLAS
Collaboratory Project has been involved in the recording and...
Norman Graf
05/09/2007, 17:30
Collaborative tools
oral presentation
High energy physics is replete with multi-dimensional
information which is often poorly represented by the
two dimensions of presentation slides and print media.
Past efforts to disseminate such information to a wider
audience have failed for a number of reasons, including
a lack of standards which are easy to implement and have
broad support. Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF)...
Keith Beattie
05/09/2007, 17:50
Collaborative tools
oral presentation
In this experiential paper we report on lessons learned during the development of the
data acquisition software for the IceCube project - specifically, how to effectively
address the unique challenges presented by a distributed, collaborative,
multi-institutional, multi-disciplined project such as this. While development
progress in software projects is often described solely in terms of...