4–6 May 2015
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

D± production asymmetry at the LHC from heavy quark recombination mechanism

4 May 2015, 17:15
G28 (University of Pittsburgh)


University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260
parallel talk QCD II


Lai Wai Kin (University of Pittsburgh)


The asymmetry in the forward region production cross section of D± is calculated using the heavy quark recombination mechanism for pp collisions at 7 TeV. By suitable choices of four nonperturbative parameters, our calculated results can reproduce those obtained at LHCb. We find A p ∼ −1% when integrated over 2.0 GeV < p T < 18 GeV and 2.2 < η < 4.75, which agrees with A p = −0.96 ± 0.26 ± 0.18% as measured by LHCb. Furthermore, the calculated distributions in η and p T agree reasonably well with those obtained at LHCb. Predictions on production asymmetry of heavy baryons are also made in the same formalism.


Prof. Adam Leibovich (University of Pittsburgh) Alexey Petrov (Wayne State University) Lai Wai Kin (University of Pittsburgh)

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