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14–16 Sept 2015
University "La Sapienza", Physics Department
Europe/Rome timezone

A Wavelength-shifting Optical Module (WOM) for in-ice Neutrino Detectors

Not scheduled
University "La Sapienza", Physics Department

University "La Sapienza", Physics Department

Piazzale Aldo Moro, 2 - 00185 Roma - Italy


Dustin Hebecker (HU-Berlin / DESY)


We report the development status of a single-photon sensor that employs wavelength-shifting and light-guiding techniques to maximize the collection area while minimizing the dark noise rate. The sensor is tailored towards application in ice-Cherenkov neutrino detectors using inert and cold, low-radioactivity and UV transparent ice as a detection medium, such as IceCube-Gen2 or MICA. The goal is to decrease the energy threshold as well as to increase the energy resolution and the vetoing capability of the neutrino telescope, when compared to a setup with optical sensors similar to those used in IceCube. The proposed sensor captures photons with wavelengths between 250nm and 400nm. These photons are re-emitted with wavelengths above 400nm by a wavelength shifter coating applied to a 90mm diameter polymer tube. This tube guides the light towards a small-diameter PMT via total internal reflection. By scaling the results from smaller laboratory prototypes, the total efficiency of the proposed detector for a Cherenkov spectrum is estimated to exceed that of a standard IceCube optical module by a factor of 2 or more. The status of the prototype development and the performance of its main components will be discussed.

Primary author

Dustin Hebecker (HU-Berlin / DESY)


Carl - Christian Fösig (Universität Mainz) Dr Delia Tosi (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Esther Del Pino Rosendo (Universität Mainz) Krystina Sand (Universität Mainz) Lutz Koepke (Universität Mainz) Marek Kowalski (HU-Berlin / DESY) Markus Gerhard Archinger (Universität Mainz) Michael DuVernois (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Peter Johannes Falke (Universität Bonn) Sebastian Böser (Universität Mainz) Timo Karg (DESY) Vincenzo Di Lorenzo (Universität Mainz)

Presentation materials