14–16 Sept 2015
University "La Sapienza", Physics Department
Europe/Rome timezone

General Information

Here we collect Conference bulletins and useful information for participants.

Conference Addresses
e-mail: antonio.capone@roma1.infn.it

Mailing Address:

Antonio Capone,
Physics Department University “La Sapienza”,
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 Roma, Italy


Rossana De Gregorio, +390649914356 (tel)
Laura Santonastaso, +390649914356 (tel)

Important Dates

Starting date for abstract submission 15/07/15
Deadline for early registration 14/08/15
Deadline for abstract submission 01/09/15
Deadline for registration 07/09/15
Evening Welcome Reception 14/09/15
Conference Dinner 15/09/15
Closure Ceremony 16/09/15
Deadline for Conference Proceedings submission 01/12/15

Conference Venue

The Conference will be held in the Physics Department of the University "La Sapienza" in Roma. The plenary sessions will be held in the "Aula Amaldi". 

The University "La Sapienza" is located very close to the Roma centre and to the main Roma railway station Termini, which is directly connected, by train and by bus, to the Roma main airports, Roma Fiumicino and Roma Ciampino. For further details, see page How to reach.


The registration fee for the participation to VLVnT-2015 Workshop is defined as:

  • before August 14th: € 220;
  • after August 14th: € 250.

Please transfer the total amount due in EURO (free of the bank charges for the recipient).

How to Register

Registrations can only be made through the form available at official web site of the Conference.

All payments must be made in Euro, as bank transfer or with credit card. During the Conference it will be possible to pay the fee by cash or credit card at the Registration Desk.

To complete the registration, if you used bank transfer as method of payment, please mail a copy of the Bank Transfer Payment to the Conference Secretariat: antonio.capone@roma1.infn.it.

For any problem with the registration procedure, please contact the Conference Secretariat: rossana.degregorio@roma1.infn.it, or laura.santonastaso@roma1.infn.it.

Payment by Bank Transfer
The transfer must be addressed to: “Associazione Romana per le Astroparticelle” and drawn on Unicredit Banca di Roma, P.le Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma.

Banking coordinates for payments:
IBAN: IT 34 X 02008 05227 000011607039
Swift Code: UNCRITM1153

Please remember to include in the motivation of the bank transfer payment:

"Name, Surname" of the participant and "fee for VLVnT-2015".

Payment by Credit Card
Credit card payments can be made at this link.

How to ask for web access during the Conference

Web access during the Conference will be available for registered participants if they fill a form, provided by INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), with their personal data. The form requires also to upload a copy of an ID document: this is no more required, please do not send copy of your ID!!!!. The activation of the account requires few days, please fill this form at least a week before the beginning of the Conference.

EDUROAM is available but sometime colleagues (mainly from CERN) have experienced problems connecting with EDUROAM: I suggest you to ask for the web acces with the procedure descibed above.

INFN users do not need to fill the form: they can access the web using their INFN account.

Scientific Programme

The workshop programme will be defined by the International Scientific Advisory Committee and by the parallel session conveners.

The Workshop program will includes 15-20 invited plenary talks and a large variety of talks in the parallel sessions.

Poster exhibition will be possible during the first two days of the Workshop.

A preliminary program is at present available at the web page: https://indico.cern.ch/event/378423/timetable/ - all.detailed

Conference Proceedings

The Proceedings of the Conference will be published by an International Journal.

The cost for one copy of the proceedings is included in the registration fee. Please visit the Conference web page to get information about Abstract Submission and Paper Submission for the proceedings.

All enquiries concerning scientific aspects of the conference, financial support, registration and so on, should be sent to the Conference Secretariat.


First Bullettin