Dates and Guidelins for the contributions to the Conference Proceedings
The VLVnT-2015 Conference proceedings will be published on EPJ Web of Conferences.
The maximum number of pages for each paper is:
- 4 pages for Parallel Sessions talks
- 6 pages for Plenary Sessions talks
The deadline for the submission of contributions is November 30th, 2015.
Each contributed paper will be submitted to a reviewer. The deadline for accepting the papers, after the reviewers work and revision will be January 31st, 2016.
Article format
For the reviewing phase the authors will have to upload their article as PDF file. To prepare this file you can use LaTeX or Word using the template provided here below:
Instructions for authors are available at the website of the journal:
Once the article will have been accepted by the editors, after the review by the referees, the authors will be invited to upload their source files (LaTeX or Word) and the signed license agreement. For LaTeX file, each figure has to be uploaded as ps or eps file.
Article submission using the SAGA electronic submission system.
All articles must be submitted on-line using the SAGA on-line submission system.
Take care to proper name your files, for example
- “surname-of-the-first-author_article” for the proceedings;
- “surname-of-the-first-author_licence” for the licence.