Plenary Session 3: Neutrino Physics with under-ice, under-water, underground detectors
- Christian Spiering (DESY)
Eligio Lisi
(INFN, Bari, Italy)
15/09/2015, 09:00
We present the status of three-neutrino oscillations from a global data analysis, including a partial 2015 update, with emphasis on the unknown parameters: CP phase, $\theta_{23}$ octant, mass hierarchy. We also discuss the unprecedented challenges set by (non)parametric systematic uncertainties in hierarchy-sensitive experiments characterized by very high statistics, such as ORCA and PINGU.
Dorothea Samtleben
(Leiden University)
15/09/2015, 09:30
Neutrinos created in interactions of Cosmic Rays with the atmosphere have already for a long time been exploited for measurements of several of the parameters characterizing neutrino oscillations. At low energies, around a few GeV, matter effects from the transition through the Earth are expected to imprint a distinct but also subtle signature on the oscillation pattern specific to the...