Joern Lange
(IFAE Barcelona)
3D pixel detectors have advanced rapidly recently, leading to their first successful installation in the ATLAS IBL and the decision to install them in the ATLAS Forward Proton (AFP) experiment, which is foreseen as early as this year’s winter shutdown. 3D detectors are also a promising candidate for the innermost layer of trackers in the HL-LHC experiments. This presentation will summarise the recent developments with a focus on studies concerning radiation hardness and slim-edge properties, which includes laboratory and testbeam characterisations before and after irradiation.
David Vazquez Furelos
(IFAE - Barcelona (ES))
Emanuele Cavallaro
(IFAE - Barcelona (ES))
Ivan Lopez Paz
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES))
Joern Lange
(IFAE Barcelona)
Sebastian Grinstein
(IFAE - Barcelona (ES))