1–5 Sept 2015
"Sarmata" Hotel, Sandomierz, Poland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Registration - information

Registration - information

Conference fee:
- early registration: 150 EUR
- late registration: 200 EUR

Early registration deadline is extended till: August 17, 2015.

Make sure that the transfer costs are on your side and that the transfer form contains the codename: LOWX

The conference fee includes lunches and coffee breaks.


The conference fee should be payed to:

Polish Academy of Arts
Slawkowska 17
31-016 Krakow

Beneficiary Bank:
Pekao SA,
ul. Dunajewskiego 8,
31-133 Krakow

Account number: PL 02 1240 4722 1111 0000 4849 7314

Please include your name, institute and address into transfer order.

In exceptional cases, when there will be a problem with bank transfer, there is a possibility to pay the fee at the day of arrival. If such is the case, please contact us immediately.

Social events:
A guided tour is foreseen on September 3rd in the afternoon. It will last about four hours. Estimated cost is about 15 EUR.

Conference dinner will take place on September 3rd. The cost is about 40 EUR.