18–22 Sept 2017
Congress Centre "Le Majestic"
Europe/Zurich timezone

Characterization of Cs2LiLaBr6:Ce (CLLB) Scintillator with Silicon Photomultiplier Arrays

19 Sept 2017, 10:00
Congress Centre "Le Majestic"

Congress Centre "Le Majestic"

Chamonix (FR)
Poster presentation P1_applications Poster Session 1


Dr Adam Garry Tuff (Kromek Ltd)


A Cs$_2$LiLaBr$_6$:Ce (CLLB) crystal has been characterised in terms of gamma energy resolution and neutron /gamma pulse shape discriminating (PSD) abilities, across the temperature range -20°C to 50°C. Performance was assessed through measurements taken with the crystal close coupled to a variety of SiPM devices and array configurations. One of these devices is a new Silicon Photomultiplier developed by Kromek. The SiPM devices have two outputs; a standard output that utilizes the full amplification potential of the device, ideal for making energy resolution measurements; a second output has low capacitance to provide a fast response signal, comparable to a PMT and is ideal for performing PSD. The PSD investigation examined two variants of the Charge Integration method; a ‘prompt integration’ method, that includes more of the prompt scintillation signal in the calculation; and a ’delayed integration’ method, whose results are more dependent on the late portion of the scintillation signal. The measurements made with the Kromek-developed SiPM array yield a comparable energy resolution to that achieved with a super-bialkali PMT at 662 keV. The obtained figure-of-merit values as a function of temperature are presented, demonstrating the ability of the detector system to perform PSD.


Dr Adam Garry Tuff (Kromek Ltd) Dr Alan James Bell (Kromek Ltd.) Dr Edward J Marsden (Kromek Ltd.)

Presentation materials