Sep 18 – 22, 2017
Congress Centre "Le Majestic"
Europe/Zurich timezone

Conference Proceedings

Deadline: 15/10/2017

 If you give a presentation, whether oral or poster, at SCINT2017, please consider submitting a manuscript for review and possible publication in the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS).   There will be a Special Issue of TNS devoted to papers originating from the SCINT2017 Conference.  Here are details about what, when, and how to submit.


Manuscript submissions are now opened and will be closed on September 30th. After the deadline, the SCINT2017 category will disappear from the online submission site and submission for the SCINT-related Special Issue will be closed, although you may still submit manuscripts to be considered for regular issues of TNS.

This Special Issue will be widely available in electronic form on IEEE’s Xplore site as well as in the printed journal.

Length and Format

TNS has an 8 page limit for manuscripts, although exceptions can be made when strongly justified.

If you desire to have figures printed in color in the hardcopy journal, there is a charge that must be paid by you or your institution.  The electronic version can have color figures at no charge. (Information on preparation of graphics files can be found at IEEE's FAQ on Graphics).

All printing will be done in black and white (grey-scale) unless you make arrangements for color. Regardless, please be sure that color illustrations look good and make sense even in greyscale. Do not rely solely on color to convey important subtleties, especially in graphs. Readers with limited color vision, for example, will appreciate this. At many institutions, a technical reports department can offer advice on making graphics that look good in both color and black and white.

Readiness for Publication

Please submit only final manuscripts that have been fully cleared for release under your home institution’s policies and procedures, and which SCINT2017 and the IEEE are free to publish. Nothing classified (even at the "sensitive" or "for official use only" level) or company-confidential should be included.

The standard IEEE copyright release will be required. This will be done online through the online submission site.

The Presentation Imperative

The SCINT-related Special Issue of TNS is reserved for papers that were actually presented. If you cannot attend the conference and give the talk or poster, please designate a co-author or other knowledgeable colleague to make the presentation. It is very helpful to inform us in advance if someone other than the submitting or corresponding author will give the presentation.

The Program Committee intends to decline manuscripts for this Special Issue that had not been presented unless there is a compelling excuse. You are, of course, welcome to submit such manuscripts to TNS for consideration for publication in a regular issue.

This Is a Fully Refereed Proceedings

The TNS is a premier peer-reviewed journal with a significant distribution within the nuclear science and medical imaging communities. Acceptance of an abstract does not guarantee acceptance of the paper for the Proceedings. Only papers that pass the standard review process for TNS will be published. Prospective authors should consult the TNS homepage for a description of the publication.

TNS discourages the submission of progress reports and manuscripts that are more suitable for distribution as an institution's internal document. We expect each manuscript to be cast in the context of the state of the art of its field,  including appropriate motivation for the work; to present a complete description of the work performed; and to present a set of conclusions supported by the measured and/or calculated data.

Submittal Instructions

Before Writing...

  1. Go to the IEEE Author Digital Toolbox.
  2. Review the various guidelines and author tools under "Article Preparation and Submission". Many useful tips on writing, graphics, and the practical details of manuscript preparation are available there.
  3. Download the appropriate template (Microsoft Word, Unix LaTex2e, or Macintosh or Windows LaTex2e) under "Template for all Transactions."
  4. Prepare your manuscript using the template.

After Writing...

  1. Go to Manuscript Central and log in (creating a new account if necessary).
  2. Click "Author Center" on the next page.
  3. Under Author Resources on the next page, click where indicated to submit a new manuscript and follow the step-by-step instructions to enter various information and to upload your manuscript file. Be sure to select "SCINT 2017" in the "Manuscript Type" pull-down menu on the next page. The SCINT 2017 option under Manuscript Type will be available from June to September 2017.

Submittal, refereeing, editing and publication will be coordinated by TNS. Contact information will be added here for any questions you may have about manuscript preparation or status.