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18–22 Sept 2017
Congress Centre "Le Majestic"
Europe/Zurich timezone

Significant improvement of GAGG based scintillation detector performance by control of the electronic excitation dynamics

21 Sept 2017, 11:15
Congress Centre "Le Majestic"

Congress Centre "Le Majestic"

Chamonix (FR)
Oral presentation S12_Characterization 2 (Orals) Characterization


Prof. Mikhail Korjik (INP BSU)


Recently, we showed that the codoping of GAGG:Ce single crystal by Mg results in a strong acceleration of the rate of free carriers nonradiative recombination. This effect competes with the radiative recombination of free carriers via Ce3+ ions and, consequently, results in a decrease of the scintillator light yield. The nonradiative recombination occurs when a hole migrates to the vicinity of a Mg2+-related defect. Thus, a possible solution to recuperate the light yield loss is slowing down the hole migration rate. Due to a strong temperature (T) dependence of the migration rate w~exp(-E/kT), where E is the constant, defined by the nature of the compound, k is the Boltzmann constant, the migration can be inhibited by cooling the crystal or the whole detecting unit. This report presents the results on a significant improvement of the performance of GAGG-based scintillation detector with temperature decrease. When temperature of a PMT-based detector is lowered to -45oC, its amplitude response at registration of γ-quanta is improved by 30%; 662 keV photo-absorption peak FHHM was found to be better by a factor of up to 0.85, whereas scintillation kinetics become even faster. All this opens an opportunity for a wide application of GAGG scintillation detectors, particularly in a combination with SiPM photo-sensors, the signal-to-noise ratio of which also improves with the temperature decrease.

Primary authors

Prof. Mikhail Korjik (INP BSU) Mr Vladimir Alenkov (FOMOS Crystals) Dr Andrei Borisevich (INP BSU) Kai-Thomas Brinkmann (Justus Liebig University) Dr Oleg Buzanov (FOMOS Crystals) Dr Valery Dormenev (Justus Liebig University) George Dosovitskiy (Institute of Chemical Reagents and High Purity Chemical Substances) Mr Alexei Dosovitskiy (NeoChem) Dr Andrei Fedorov (INP BSU) Dr Dmitry Kozlov (INP BSU) Dr Rainer Novotny (Justus Liebig University) Prof. Gintautas Tamulaitis (Vilnius University) Dr Vladimir Vasiliev (FOMOS Crystals) Dr Hans-Georg, Zaunick (Justus Liebig University)

Presentation materials