The PADME experiment will search for the e+e− → γA’ process in a
positron-on-target experiment, assuming a decay of the A’ into
invisible particles of the hidden sector. The 550 MeV positron beam of
the DAΦNE Beam-Test Facility, at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of
INFN, will be used. The suppression of the background due to
bremsstrahlung emission from the beam positrons requires high
efficient charged particle detectors with optimized geometry. A
fine-grained plastic scintillator veto composed of three stations in
vacuum is foreseen. Two stations are placed inside a dipole magnet
with 0.6 T magnetic field and will also provide momentum measurement
at the percent level. Different prototypes for the design of the
detector elements, the photo-sensor, and the front-end electronics
were studied with single electron beam at the DAΦNE Beam-Test Facility
to choose the optimal technologies and construction solutions.
PADME is currently under construction and it is planned to take data
in 2018. The design of the charged particle vetoes and the test beam
performance of the prototypes will be reviewed.