Abstract submission guidelines - ICTR-PHE 2016
Please use this Microsoft Word abstract template to prepare your abstract. Abstracts must be uploaded on the Indico page (https://indico.cern.ch/event/392209/registration/register#/register) no later than 31 October 2015.
Please rename the file RegID_FirstnameLastname.doc (with your details) before uploading it.
2. Abstract
File type: Microsoft Word
Font type: Verdana
Font size: 12 pt.
Line spacing: Single
Case: Use both upper and lower case in both title and body
Paragraph format: No initial indent, use blank line between paragraphs
Sessions for oral presentation:
- Biology
- Pre-Clinical and Clinical Strategies
- Nuclear Medicine
- Detectors and Imaging
- New Technologies
- Radiotherapy
Session (for oral presentation): (select only one from the list; session chairs might reassign to a different session if necessary)
Keywords: (up to 3 excluding session name):
Title of your abstract (max 100 characters; do not use non-standard abbreviations) (Underline the speaker’s name)
Author names – Initial. Surname (order the authors as you would like them to appear)
Author Name1, Author Name2
1 (Affiliation 1)
2 (Affiliation 2), etc.
Abstract text:
- Character limit (excluding spaces) = 2500
- Use paragraphs to create a structure of (1) Purpose (2) Materials/methods (3) Results and (4) Conclusions
- Special or unusual abbreviations must be placed in round brackets () after their first appearance
- One data table in JPG format is allowed in the body (excluded from character count)
- One colour image in JPG format is allowed, maximum file size = 500KB, maximum panel dimensions = 600(w) x 800(h) pixels;
- Equations can be inserted in the body as images (JPG only)