Second eLISA CosWG workshop
University of Stavanger
This is the second workshop of the eLISA cosmology working group. The aim is to advance in the discussion of scientific topics and research projects relevant in the context of the next Gravitational Wave Observatory, the mission approved by ESA for L3 launch.
The deadline for registration and abstract submission is September 1st.
For informations on the eLISA consortium and on the mission status:
Chiara Caprini (CNRS IPhT Saclay)
Germano Nardini (DESY)
Anders Tranberg (University of Stavanger)
David Weir (University of Stavanger)
Confirmed Speakers:
Richard Battye (University of Manchester)
Diego Blas (CERN)
Stefano Camera (University of Manchester)
Daniel Figueroa (CERN)
Jacopo Ghiglieri (University of Bern)
Jonathan Kozaczuk (TRIUMF)
Samaya Nissanke (Radboud University)
Paolo Pani (University of Lisbon)
Antoine Petiteau (APC Paris)
Tania Regimbau (OCA Nice)
Paul Saffin (University of Nottingham)
Pedro Schwaller (CERN)
Géraldine Servant (DESY)
Abhishek Anchal
Anders Tranberg
Anders Haarr
Andreas Hohenegger
Angelo Ricciardone
Antoine Petiteau
Asgeir Osland
Chiara Caprini
Daniel G. Figueroa
David Weir
Diego Blas Temino
Geraldine Servant
Germano Nardini
Jacopo Ghiglieri
Jonathan Kozaczuk
Mark Hindmarsh
Nicola Tamanini
Paolo Pani
Paul Saffin
Pedro Schwaller
Pierre Binetruy
Rajeev Kumar Jain
Stefano Camera
Stephan Huber
Tania Regimbau
Tomas Brauner