Stanislav Poslavsky
(IHEP, Protvino)
With the increasing complexity of HEP problems, the performance of computer algebra systems (CASs) may become a bottleneck in a real calculation. For example, multiloop calculations in SM may involve thousands of diagrams and require to perform a huge amount of Dirac algebra and related simplifications in order to prepare expressions for further numerical analysis; calculations in field theory and gravity involve a huge amount of sophisticated tensor algebra, simplifications of Riemann monomials etc. Redberry is a free high-performance CAS written in Java and focused on the needs of (quantum) field theory. My talk will cover two applications:
1. Loop calculations in SM with FeynArts+Redberry+FIRE pipeline
2. Deriving Feynman rules and calculating oneloop counterterms in gravitational theories
One of the advantages of Redberry is that calculations can be easily distributed over several threads/machines. I will give an example of how calculation of some SM process can be distributed in Amazon EC2 cloud.
Stanislav Poslavsky
(IHEP, Protvino)