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6th ST Workshop

Holiday Inn Thoiry

Holiday Inn Thoiry

Isabel Bejar Alonso (CERN)
    • Operation and maintenance
      • 1
        Introduction to the Workshop
        Speaker: Scaramelli, A
      • 2
        Operation and maintenance in CV
        A core team of CERN staff is running the daily operations of the cooling and ventilation equipment at CERN, thus assuring multiple interfaces such as constant contact with the users of existing installations, the project leaders for new installations and intern-divisional communication. As support of this team, re-tendered contracts with external companies for the maintenance and operational tasks have been put into place multiple years ago. Higher-level maintenance continues to be entrusted to the equipments’ constructor. The new task- and result-oriented contract E071/ST for maintenance and operation started on January 1st 2003 is briefly described. Tools for running the contract and responsibility limits on both sides of the contract are displayed. Training needs of personnel and knowledge transfer to maintain the mastering of the functioning of the machine parc are briefly analyzed.
        Speaker: Bangert, N
      • 3
        Opération et maintenance ST-EL jusqu'où externaliser en conservant la maîtrise ?
        Pour permettre le redéploiement du personnel exploitation vers les projets et la surveillance des travaux ST/EL du LHC, un contrat a été mis en place pour externaliser l'opération du réseau électrique du CERN et assurer les maintenances de niveau 1 et 2. Les maintenances de niveau supérieur continuant à être réalisées par des contrats avec les constructeurs des équipements. Après un rappel des orientations choisies à l'établissement de ce contrat E065/ST, ce document présente les étapes de mise en place, les outils utilisés pour le piloter et en évaluer les performances. L'aspect de la responsabilité est également abordé. L'analyse des résultats obtenus après 18 mois permet d'établir les bénéfices obtenus et de souligner les moyens nécessaires en personnel CERN pour conserver l'indispensable maîtrise du réseau électrique
        Speaker: Jean-Yves (CERN)
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      • 4
        Operation and Maintenance in MA
        This paper will review the operation and maintenance activities in the ST-MA group, giving an overview of the services provided by the Group as well as the contract activities. Special emphasis will be given to the contractual implementation, supervision and follow-up methodology. Considerations on the in-house operation activities shall be presented as well as the advantages and inconvenients of outsourcing vs. insourcing. Prospects for the future will be analysed.
        Speaker: Cennini, E Nunes, R
      • 5
        E072/ST-HM - A dynamic maintenance strategy to meet the requirements of the LHC installation
        The new ST-HM contract E072 for the maintenance of transport and handling equipment is designed to obtain the high operating reliability as required for the LHC installation and to respect the situation of limited resources at CERN at the same time. The contract is based on a dynamic maintenance strategy. It contains a flexible maintenance contingent that is essential to prepare the equipment for extremely important and critical utilisation phases that will come up during the LHC installation. Due to very little utilisation and non-strategic importance of approximately 80% of the whole inventory the general maintenance service will be reduced to a minimum. In order to convert this strategy into practice it is necessary to establish well-defined interfaces between the users and the maintenance service and to improve the performance and professionalism of the maintenance service.
        Speaker: Jean-Yves (CERN)
      • 6
        Operation and Maintenance in the FM group
        Year 2002 has been a transitory year for the operation and maintenance of the tertiary buildings at CERN. The implementation of one unique contract of Facilities Management was the major issue which led to the merging of several technical activities previously carried out through different contracts, for many years. This paper, after a short description of the first six months, presents the major events of the transition period, the main changes in the management of the contract related to the technical maintenance, and the main difficulties encountered. It also gives figures showing the evolution of some key maintenance indicators from the past years to today, as far as the scope of each activity can be compared.
        Speaker: Jean-Yves (CERN)
      • 7
        MP5 Status report
        Speaker: Vercoutter, B.
    • Break
    • Operation and Maintenance II
      • 8
        L'avis d'ouverture de chantier informatisé: Un moyen de prévention et de management
        L'instruction de sécurité IS 39, stipule que les travaux exécutés par des entreprises sur le domaine du CERN doivent faire l'objet d'un Avis d'Ouverture de Chantier( AOC) rédigé par le superviseur de travaux avant le démarrage de ceux-ci, dans le but d'attirer l'attention sur les risques et les nuisances qu'ils peuvent engendrer pour les usagers dans la zone de travaux. A cet effet, un groupe de travail a spécifié une version informatisée du document AOC sur EDH afin d'en faciliter la saisie, la visualisation ainsi que la gestion et l'archivage; à cela s'ajoutent la description des risques et mesures préventives possibles, la consultation des différentes bases de données CFU (Contract Follow Up), du patrimoine immobilier et finalement toutes les commodités liées à EDH pour le routage du document selon la liste des rôles des personnes concernées (approbation, distribution pour information). Dès lors, l'AOC devient un moyen d'analyse et de gestion (détection et traçabilité des co-activités, des travaux selon les emplacement, firmes intervenantes et dates) grâce aux différents critères et calculs selon lesquels il est manipulé par les utilisateurs.
        Speaker: Jacot, C; Sanchez-Corral Mena, E.
      • 9
        Actions for the environment
        As an International Organization, one the most important issues that CERN has to respect and guarantee is the protection of the environment. Several of ST activities and operations have a direct impact on the environment: civil engineering works, electrical (transformers) and air-cooling operation, chemical products storage, various waste disposal etc.... Important measures, taken in the past, have to be kept and new ones should be applied in order to insure the conformity of the infrastructure with existing legislation, the correct operation of equipment and systems, the constant monitoring of the different situations and the traceability of the events. Moreover good management of the environment would bring large savings to CERN
        Speaker: Jean-Yves (CERN)
      • 10
        The first year of the ST operation committee. Is there a future?
        The main objective of the ST Operation Committee (STOC) was to develop a proactive and homogeneous service of operation that satisfies the needs of the ST partners. Furthermore, the TCR role should have been developed to a unique and competent entry point for ST operation by bringing the operation teams closer together on a daily basis. Have these objectives been achieved and to what extend? Is there a future for this committee and what could it look like? What are the implications of the first year of work on ST operation as a whole? This paper answers these questions and gives recommendations how to make best use of the STOC for the ST partners and ST, respectively.
        Speaker: Jean-Yves (CERN)
      • 11
        Collaboration entre les divisions TIS et ST en matière de sécurité "opération et maintenance"
        Speaker: Trant, R.; Vojtyla, P.
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    • Discussion. Operation and maintenance
    • Experiments I
    • Poster session. Experiments
      • 13
        Nouvelles technologies appliques à la sécurité
        La détection incendie par vidéo et la mesure de la température ambiante tout au long d'une fibre optique sont deux nouveaux moyens de détection au service de la sécurité. Le premier système est composé d'une à huit caméras raccordées à un PC qui analyse les signaux vidéo et reconnaît un début d'incendie. Le second utilise une fibre optique connectée à un générateur de lumière Laser. Le signal lumineux retourné, qui varie en fonction de la température le long de la fibre, est analysé afin de détecter et localiser une variation anormale de la température. Des installations d'importances stratégiques ou de grandes valeurs pourraient être surveillées à distance par ces nouveaux systèmes dont l'installation est simple et le coût de maintenance faible.
        Speaker: Grau, S.; D. Raffourt
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      • 14
        Réutilisation des demies culasses d'aimants dipoles du LEP
        Après une prolongation d'un mois, l'arrêt définitif du LEP a finalement eu lieu le 2 novembre 2000. En vue de faire place nette pour son successeur, le LHC, les équipes de démantèlement de l'accélérateur LEP se sont très rapidement activées pour la mise en sécurité des installations, le démontage et l'évacuation des 40'000 tonnes de matériel que constitue le LEP. Le recyclage ou la revalorisation de tous les composants de la machine provenant du tunnel et des expériences a été et reste toujours un objectif primordial au CERN, tant du point de vue financier qu'environnemental. Parmi les 40'000 tonnes à revaloriser, se trouvent 3600 demies culasses d'aimants dipôles représentant à elles seules 42% de cette masse. A ce jour, env. 1100 pièces ont déjà été recyclées pour des travaux d'infrastructure et de superstructure. De nombreux projets génie civil, à cours et moyen terme, prennent en compte un recyclage du solde de ces demies culasses d'aimants dipôles, notamment en remplacement des traditionnels blocs de blindage standards CERN.
        Speaker: Jean-Yves (CERN)
      • 15
        The construction and transport of the ATLAS experiment components
        The construction of the ATLAS experiment components is taking place in the West Area, Hall 180. The principal parts of the detector are currently under construction, and include components such as the Endcap Cryostats, the Barrel Cryostat, and the Barrel Toroid magnets, amongst other large and delicate components. The day to day handling operations involve complex turning over operations and delicate installation procedures, as well as the day to day work involved in beam maintenance and other transport requests. Once completed, a series of exceptional transports will bring the components to Point 1 where they will be lowered into the pit and installed by specialist handling teams. All these bespoke components have very specific requirements in terms of handling constraints, and great care and planning is required in order that the components arrive at their destination in the same condition as when they leave the construction area.
        Speaker: Jean-Yves (CERN)
      • 16
        The performance of the new sps reactive power compensator
        A new Static Var Compensator (SVC) was designed, installed and commissioned by ABB for CERN's Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) accelerator. Due to the sensitive nature of the pulsating power converter load for the SPS magnets, very strict requirements were imposed on the stabilisation of the 18 kV bus voltage and its harmonic distortion. The adopted solution comprises a 150 Mvar TCR and eight harmonic filters with a total power of 130 Mvar. The poster gives a detailed description of the project background and system design. Finally, the results of the SVC performance tests are presented and compared to the initial computer studies.
        Speaker: Jean-Yves (CERN)
      • 17
        Use of perfluorocarbons for the cooling of LHC experiments
        Perfluorochemicals sold by 3M under the trade name 3M Fluorinert Electronic Liquids have been used for many years as heat transfer media in a variety of industries. The suitability of these liquids for the cooling of LHC experiment originates from their high dielectric strength as well as from their chemical stability under ionizing radiation. The Fluorinerts are clear, colorless, non-flammable with low toxicity and low corrosiveness. Additionally, they offer low global warming potential - GWP - and zero ozone-depletion potential - ODP. Some examples of fluorinert application in the cooling of LHC experiments will be presented: (a) the ATLAS Inner detector C3F8 evaporative cooling system (b) the ATLAS TRT C6F14 monophase cooling system and (c) the ALICE SPD “active heat pipe” C4F10 evaporative cooling system. A brief comparison of evaporative and monophase cooling systems will be outlined
        Speaker: Pimenta dos Santos, M.
    • Experiments I
      • 18
        The LHC experiments as seen from the technical sector
        Since the beginning of the collaboration between the ST division and the LHC experiments, already in 1998, the technical sector has provided different structures for the support of the experiments, aiming to coordinate all the activities, which traditionally belong in the technical sector's mandate, like civil engineering and structures, cooling and ventilation, cranes and transport, electricity, gas, etc. A picture of the last year's activity, mainly concentrated on the ATLAS and CMS experiments, shows how the synergies between project managers, staff involved and group structures can strongly improve the service level in the technical domain. This closer collaboration has facilitated the development of further ties linked to the competence available in the groups, and of great interest to the experiments. The steady rise in demand confirms that the choice, made by the experiments, confirms that the technical sector support is a real need in this area
        Speaker: Inigo Golfin, J.; Principe, R.
      • 19
        The CMS experiment, to be installed at Point 5, is in an advanced state of assembly in the surface hall. Most of the major mechanical structures, in particular the magnetic yoke and the hadronic calorimeters, are already assembled. Installation of services on the yoke and in the SX5 hall will allow early commissioning of the subdetectors in 2004 and extended 'slice tests' in 2005 before the heavy lifting operation that will transfer the experiment in UX5. The definition of services has been performed bottom-up and all cooling pipes on the magnetic yoke will be laid down in 2003 and 2004. The specification of the cooling plant in US is in progress starting from these bases. The electrical distribution and the cabling plan are being finalized after decision on low valtage distribution concept has been taken by CMS. Actual installation of services will be carried out in 2004 and 2005.
        Speaker: Herve, A.
    • Experiments II
      • 20
        Distributed cryogenic cooling with miniaturized fluid circuits
        The presentation describes the development of miniaturized fluid circuit for distributing cooling power from gas refrigerating machines. The coolant flow is driven by a cryogenic micropump, which generates sufficient pressure head at flow rates compatible with cooling powers typically in the range of 10 to 100 W. The project was carried out in the RD39 Collaboration, where cryogenic tracking detector modules are being developed. Distributed cryogenic cooling is needed to minimize the volume and mass contribution of cooling in cryogenic devices, relying on convective heat transfer close to the source of heat rather than adding conductive material. Potential applications are, for instance, low-mass tracking detectors in high energy physics, electronic components, and high-temperature superconductor applications. Classical correlations are not applicable to describe the heat transfer mechanisms in microtubes in single- and two-phase flow. The presentation shows the concept and results of heat transfer measurements in microtubes of 100 to 500 microns diameter at cryogenic temperatures. According to our experimental data, single-phase heat transfer coefficients are under-predicted, and nucleate boiling heat transfer in flow boiling is over-predicted using these correlations at microscale dimensions.
        Speaker: Jean-Yves (CERN)
      • 21
        Cryoinstallation for the LHC
        Speaker: Tavian, L.
      • 22
        Speaker: Witzeling, W.
    • LHC Construction I
      • 23
        CV Installation works for the LHC
        Débutée il y a deux ans, la phase de construction des installations de refroidissement du LHC a atteint progressivement son apogée. De nombreux autres projets, dans divers secteurs du laboratoire, sont également gérés par le groupe ventilation et refroidissement. La spécificité de ce groupe est de réaliser des installations complexes impliquant des spécialités diverses ; aéraulique, hydraulique, électrique, etc. Pour faire face à ces demandes, la section travaux du groupe ST CV a opté pour une structure permettant de réaliser ces projets en collaboration directe avec chaque responsable de contrat. Le but étant de maîtriser les difficultés induites par la géographie du site du CERN avec un minimum de personnel. La première partie de ce document décrit l’organisation de la section travaux ST-CV. Dans un chapitre, les auteurs dressent un état des lieux des chantiers par projet en décrivant plus particulièrement les activités du traitement d’air et du refroidissement par eau.
        Speaker: Martel, C.; Pirollet, B.
      • 24
        Civil engineering status report for the atlas & cms worksites
        Construction work on the civil engineering contracts at Point 1 and Point 5 started in 1998. The new surface buildings and underground structures are necessary to accommodate the ATLAS and CMS detectors for the LHC Project. The principal underground works at both points consist of two new shafts, two caverns along with a number of small connection tunnels and galleries. At Point 1, the works are 90% complete. Most of the surface buildings as well as the shafts and one of the two new caverns have been completed, and the construction of the second cavern is well underway. At Point 5, the works are 70% complete. Most of the surface buildings as well as the shafts and the pillar have been completed. With excavation of the two large caverns complete, the concreting of the final linings has started. The aim of this paper is to present the status of the civil engineering on these worksites and in particular the challenges encountered constructing the experimental caverns.
        Speaker: Osborne, J.; Rammer, H.
      • 25
        HM works for the LHC
        L’installation du LHC a pris, en 2002, une nouvelle dimension avec le début des travaux de la machine en parallèle de ses futures expériences. La première phase de travaux pour le LHC a été la mise en place des services généraux électriques et des tuyauteries d’eau de refroidissement dans le secteur 7/8. Les premières lignes cryogéniques (QRL) seront acheminées au mois de juin. En surface, le stockage des cryostats des futurs aimants dipôles de LHC a pris son rythme de croisière avec une arrivée quasiment hebdomadaire de livraison pour un stockage au PM32. Quant aux expériences, après les dernières opérations de démontage, les premiers travaux d’installation des futurs détecteurs ont pu commencer. ATLAS a pu également commencer l’installation de son infrastructure au point 1 avec le début des travaux dans USA 15. Pour CMS au point 5, la réalisation d’une grande partie de son spectaculaire aimant, est l’objet de nombreuses visites. Le montage des autres parties de son détecteurs représentant également une large part d’activité sur d’autres sites.
        Speaker: Pelletier, S.
      • 26
        The organization and on-site follow-up of the electrical installation work for the LHC
        The activity of the EL-WO section has two main purposes: manage the on-site installation works and carry out complete commissioning tests for all the new electrical installations, including those for the LHC accelerator. The management of installation works covers several aspects as: logistic, safety, coordination with other non-electrical works, follow-up of the planning. The testing of all the installation before the commissioning involves a close collaboration with the exploitation service and with the project leaders. This document describes the way of operating of the section and how these activities are carried out within the mainframe of the global ST division organization. It also describes the interfaces to the others actors of the LHC installation, such as: the contractors, the LHC installation working group, the ST/EL project leaders and the exploitation service of the electrical network.
        Speaker: Jean-Yves (CERN)
    • Poster Session. LHC Installation
      • 27
        Comparaison des procedes d'excavation des tunnels TI8 et TI2 du projet LHC
        Les tunnels TI8 et TI2 du projet LHC sont similaires. Ils ont des longueurs respectives de 2190 et 2620 mètres et leur section intérieure est identique. Or, malgré ces ressemblances, les procédés d'excavation choisis par les entreprises exécutantes ont été très différents. En effet, l'excavation du tunnel TI8 a été réalisée à l'aide d'un tunnelier (TBM Robbins, model 116-189), et celle du tunnel TI2 à l'aide d'une haveuse ponctuelle. Malgré une géologie rencontrée plus favorable dans le tunnel TI8, le soutènement mis en œuvre a été plus important que celui du TI2 et ce probablement en raison du procédé. Les caractéristiques de ces procédés d'excavation ainsi que les résultats obtenus pour chacun des deux tunnels sont décrits et analysés ci-après.
        Speaker: Jean-Yves (CERN)
      • 28
        Cooling process of the LHC energy extraction resistors
        The energy stored in all the LHC dipoles, about 11 GJ, can potentially cause severe damage to the magnets, bus bars and current leads. In order to protect the superconducting elements after a resistive transition, the energy is dissipated into dump resistors switched in series with the magnet chains. This paper describes the cooling process of the resistors and explains the choice process for the main components of the cooling equipment.
        Speaker: Jean-Yves (CERN)
      • 29
        Modification of the electrical installation in point 8
        Proceeding with the LHC project implies various electrical reconfigurations and modifications. This poster shows the numerous changes needed for the LHC installations in point 8. The complexity of the technical problems, even to the power distribution system and the cableways, is highlighted. The needs of a considerable number of clients must be taken into account, as well as different technical issues.
        Speaker: Pierlot, J.
      • 30
        Process control migration towards LHC ventilation functionality
        The adaptation of the ventilation systems as well as the integration of equipment to fit with the new LHC ventilation requirements lead us to consider a global re-engineering of the existing control system. This, decade old process control structure is composed of elements which are mixed between industrial and home made devices. The proposed modifications are made in order to upgrade the present control system and to provide an efficient and well adapted control architecture to integrate the LHC ventilation equipment of the injection tunnels. Moreover, we need a plan for the next fifteen years of the LHC life cycle. The document is to present the situation of the present control system of the LEP ventilation process and to propose a plan for the migration of the control architecture. This is done considering the fact that elements of the present control infrastructure could no longer be supported from 2003 and major components must be removed from the CERN communication infrastructure.
        Speaker: Blanc, D.
      • 31
        Retendering of ST-CV maintenance contract
        During next three years of ST-CV will be deeply involved in the installation works for LHC project. During this period the needing of maintenance activity will decrease. The minimum level will be reached during the "long shut-down" of PS and SPS machine in 2005. Budget for the maintenance will decrease consequently. CV had to review its maintenance strategy. The new contract, started on January 1st 2003, has been defined to cope these workload variations during next years and to guarantee the minimum maintenance activity on the existing equipments. Lump sum contract based on win-win strategy has been discarded. Contractor has not to guarantee the performance of CERN cooling and ventilation systems any more. A new price list strategy based on performance indicators and penalties has been chosen. Contractor has to guarantee the performance of every single maintenance operation CERN will ask for. This modification obliged the Operation section of CV group to a great reorganisation effort during 2002 and is going to force deep changes in its work organisation.
        Speaker: Battistin, M.
    • LHC Installation
      • 32
        TCR system monitoring or TCR remote monitoring for the LHC technical infrastructure
        The remote monitoring of the LHC technical infrastructure will mainly be done in CERN's Technical Control Room (TCR). The technical infrastrucure consists of specialised equipment from different groups and divisions, mainly cooling and ventilation and electrical equipment . The responsibility for the definition, operation and maintenance of the equipment is covered by the relevant equipment group. However the monitoring and alerting for action in case of equipment failure is initiated by the TCR and is based on alarms that are sent by the equipment. This implies the correct integration of the equipment and the establishment of rules to follow during the commissioning and start-up of the equipment in order to ensure proper operation. This paper shows the integration possibilities and the different tasks and steps to follow by the different parties for smooth equipment integration and avoiding organizational problems.
        Speaker: Blanc, D; Epting, U; Morodo Testa, MC; S. Poulsen
      • 33
        Summary of ST/MA deliverables for LHC
        The ST/MA group is responsible for the monitoring of the CERN Technical Infrastructure as well as the design, installation and maintenance of personnel protection system such as access control system, fire and gas leak detection, safety alarm monitoring systems and radiation monitoring systems (in collaboration with TIS). This paper provides an overview of the main projects managed in the group and outlines the scope, the organisation and the planning of the main deliverables for LHC.
        Speaker: Scibile, L.
      • 34
        Logistique de transport pour le projet LHC: Enseignements des premiers secteurs
        Ce papier dresse un premier bilan de la logistique de transport mise en place pour l'installation du LHC. Les moyens de planification mis en oeuvre seront tout d'abord évoqués avec notamment les réunions avec les groupes utilisateurs, l'élaboration de procédures de transport, la génération de listings d'articles à transporter ou encore l'établissement d'un planning des ressources. Cependant, les premiers travaux d'installation du LHC ont fait apparaître des divergences importantes entre le planning logistique établi et la réalité du terrain. Ces écarts seront analysés, qu'il s'agisse de différences sur le volume de matériel à acheminer, d'opérations non planifiées, de changements de plannings entraînant de longues et délicates traversées de chantiers ou de manque de planification des besoins en personnel dans certaines zones. Tous ces enseignements acquis au cours des premiers travaux devraient permettre de dégager des voies d'amélioration (collaboration avec EST/IC, informatisation) à mettre en place pour les prochains secteurs.
        Speaker: Prodon, S.; Weisz, S.
      • 35
        Planning et coordination de l'installation du LHC
        La division ST joue un rôle clé dans le projet LHC puisque fournissant une grande partie de l'infrastructure (génie civil, électricité, traitements de l'air, systèmes hydrauliques, transport, détection, contrôle d'accès…) tant pour la machine que pour les zones expérimentales. Un planning de coordination unique et consensuel entre les différents intervenants pour le design et l'installation des différents équipements est primordial pour la réussite du projet. Ce papier décrit les procédures pour obtenir ce planning unique, les modes d'information et de validation des différents changements, ainsi que les liens entre les différents acteurs de la planification du projet : à savoir les groupes ou divisions installateurs, le nouveau groupe de «Coordination de l'Installation » et la direction du projet LHC.
        Speaker: Colloca, C.;Foraz, K.
    • Discussion. LHC Installation
    • Experiments II
    • Poster session + Industrial exchange
      • 37
        Constructions and installations for LHC
        Le groupe HM a la responsabilité des études, de l'installation, la mise en service et la maintenance des appareils de levage et équipements divers nécessaires au projet LHC. Cette activité se déroule sur plusieurs années, l'année 2003 est le point culminant au niveau de la charge de travail avec l'installation de ponts roulants de forte capacité (2 x 140 tonnes), de grande hauteur de levage et de différents systèmes de sécurité particuliers et de manutentions spéciales. Le document montre également la remarquable diversité des familles d'équipements tels que : Ponts roulants, palans, ascenseurs, portes motorisées, gaines électrique, véhicules et élévateurs.
        Speaker: Calderone, A; Roche, G.
      • 38
        Contribution of thermofluid analyses to the LHC experiments
        The big amount of electrical and electronic equipment that will be installed in the four LHC experiments will cause important heat dissipation in the detectors' volumes. This is a major issue for the experimental groups, as temperature stability is often a fundamental requirement for the different sub-detectors to be able to provide a good measurement quality. The thermofluid analyses that are carried out in the ST/CV group are a very efficient tool to understand and predict the thermal behaviour of the detectors. These studies are undertaken according to the needs of the experimental groups; they aim at evaluate the thermal stability for a proposed design, or to compare different technical solutions in order to choose the best one for the final design. The usual approach to carry out these studies is first presented and then, some practical examples of thermofluid analyses are presented focusing on the main results in order to illustrate their contribution.
        Speaker: Jean-Yves (CERN)
    • Projects
      • 39
        Outsourced design services lessons learned from LHC civil engineering
        In April 1996 CERN awarded three contracts for the provision of civil engineering design and site supervision services associated with the LHC Project. These three contracts with an average value at signature of 12MCHF were placed using the “two envelope” award system. Eight firms from six member states were integrated into three Joint Ventures. For Projects prior to the LHC, CERN would have carried out the design and supervision using in-house staff. The change to out-sourced services represented a major step for CERN. After seven years, the contracts are now coming to their conclusion. This paper aims to discuss the reasons why these contracts were originally implemented, the lessons than have been learnt over the last seven years and conclusions on how CERN could approach the need for civil engineering design services in the future.
        Speaker: Watson, T.
      • 40
        Project working methods; the use of blanket contracts
        The construction and ensuing extensions of a power distribution network requires continuity in the process as an important parameter for success. The construction projects shall be done using well defined and well respected methods and the equipment to be used should preferable be standardised. The standardisation assures ease of operation, particularly important when the operation is being outsourced. It also reduces the amount of spares to be socked and the complexity of the maintenance. This paper describes the project organisation of ST-EL, with particular emphasis on the use of blanket contracts
        Speaker: Jean-Yves (CERN)
      • 41
        Project management by CV; insourcing the design
        Early in the LHC-project a decision was made to complete in-house, as much of the engineering for the new cooling and ventilation systems as was practicable. This is achieved using the competence of resident (CERN staff) engineers for the studies, project management, on-site installation, supervision etc. The documentation has however, been compiled using the format of tender drawings in the technical office by industrial service personnel. This model, adopted by the Cooling and Ventilation group is attractive from the viewpoint of conservation of "know-how" within CERN. The main difficulty is however, to be able to absorb such an important project within available manpower. This paper will revisit the arguments behind this method as well as summarize the results to date. Finally, the author will outline other methods (followed by other groups within the project), for a comparison with the model chosen by ST/CV.
        Speaker: Jean-Yves (CERN)
      • 42
        The "right-sourcing" or the correct balance between in-house activity and the purchase of external services
        The ST/MA group is responsible for the monitoring of the CERN Technical Infrastructure as well as the design, installation and maintenance of personnel protection systems such as access control system, fire and gas leak detection, safety alarm monitoring systems and radiation monitoring systems (in collaboration with TIS). Several contracts to carry out the maintenance, or the new development of the above mentioned activities have been placed. From this experience, this paper analyses various parameters that should be considered to find the correct balance between in-house activity and the purchase of external services.
        Speaker: Jean-Yves (CERN)
      • 43
        ST-HM design section - strategy and working methods
        The design section of the ST-HM group is devoted to realise all studies for new transport and handling equipment to be procured and installed according to the needs of CERN. In year 2002, the design section has gradually passed from strong engagement in few huge projects to a multitude of 'less expensive' projects that require a fast solution and procurement for the LHC installation. The future tasks of our section will be feasibility studies of transport and handling manoeuvres as required for the installation of LHC components and the calculation of lifting tools. In addition the procurement of not yet defined items to solve problems that will occur during the LHC installation. This document gives an overview of the organisation of the design section, the projects and will also underline some problems, such as the incompatibility between the urgency of the users and long CERN purchasing procedures, the work overload, the increasing design requirements for handling tools and operations that were originally not foreseen.
        Speaker: Jean-Yves (CERN)
    • Discussion. Projects strategy
    • Projects
      • 44
        Les obligations réglementaires en matière de coordination de sécurité : application par les divisions TIS et ST pour les contrats de catégorie 2
        Speaker: Pividori, C.
    • Break CERN


    • Consolidation
      • 45
        Added value of the SPL division
        Speaker: Lagrange, T.
      • 46
        Consolidation Civil engineering and technical infrastructure for tertiary buildings
        The usage and age of the civil engineering structure (office buildings, halls, tunnels) and of tertiary technical equipment (mainly HVAC and electricity) at CERN is such that their renovation must be considered in the near future. Due to the large number of buildings and equipment in these conditions, and the restricted budget available it is extremely important to define priorities. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the current conditions and the related problems, based on data analysis of CERN database and confronting it with the inventory made at CERN by an external company. After having identified the most frequent problems and repairs to carry out, a planning for intervention is therefore presented optimizing the safety aspects, maintenance costs and comfort for the users. The timescale of this intervention is related to the money that will be available in the coming years.
        Speaker: Alves, P.; Nonis, M.; Pepinster, P.; Van Baaren, W.
      • 47
        Consolidation Civil engineering and technical infrastructure for the accelerators
        Over the years CERN has become an organisation with a huge industrial infrastructure which is an important link in the chain that leads to the comparatively very high reliability of the laboratorys accelerators and experiments. In spite of constant and careful maintenance, albeit on an insufficient budget, a number of systems have come to the end of their prospective lifetime. Maintenenace is thus no longer enough. Renovation is requiered, i. e. old equipment has to be scrapped and replaced by new. This paper presents a number of such systems, all crucial to the operation of the laboratory
        Speaker: Battistin, Cennini, E.; M.; Pedersen, J.; Ruehl, I.; Wilhelmsson, M.
      • 48
        LHC technical coordination
        Speaker: Proudlock, P.
      • 49
        EVM in ST
        Earned Value Management (EVM) is a standard method of measuring project performance. As a reaction to the LHC 'crisis' in 2001, the External Review Committee and CERN's management requested the implementation of this proven methodology to monitor and control cost and schedule variances on the LHC project. The ST Division, as a major contributor, has been strongly involved since June 2002. This paper describes the introduction process of this method, the learned lessons, the future benefits expected from its follow-up and a first analysis of the implementation cost. Special emphasis is given to the solutions found in order to collect data from the stakeholders and to the compromises and organization implemented to facilitate and assure the updating of the data. Prospects for the future use of the system on other projects are also analyzed.
        Speaker: Bejar Alonso, I.
    • Physics
      • 50
        Isolde Physics
        Speaker: Lindroos, M.
      • 51
        CNGS Physics
        Speaker: Jean-Yves (CERN)
    • Break + Poster award CERN


    • Physics
      • 52
        Anti H2
        Speaker: Landua, R.
      • 53
        Status of the SPL Project
        Since its first proposal in 1999, the interest of a Superconducting Proton Linac at CERN has been confirmed, but the concentration of CERN resources on the realisation of the LHC have reduced the rate of progress. To cope with these limitations, a staged realisation has been elaborated, the first stage being the replacement of the present 50 MeV linac 2 by a 160 MeV linac 4, housed in the PS South Hall. Helped by other laboratories and with the probable support of the European Union, the development of components has begun, and the low energy part of the accelerator, up to 3 MeV, is planned to be operational in 2006. These plans will be described, as well as the foreseen means to progress beyond that milestone.
        Speaker: Garoby, R.
      • 54
        Workshop conclusions
        Speaker: Scaramelli, A.