5–11 Feb 2017
Hyatt Regency Chicago
America/Chicago timezone


523 / 523
Scott Pratt (Michigan State University)
05/02/2017, 09:00
Alexei Bazavov (Michigan State University)
05/02/2017, 10:15
Sergei Voloshin (Wayne State University), Sergey Voloshin (Wayne State University (US))
05/02/2017, 11:30
Peter Alan Steinberg (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
05/02/2017, 12:15
Gunther Roland (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
05/02/2017, 15:00
Sangyong Jeon (McGill University)
05/02/2017, 15:45
Christine Aidala
05/02/2017, 17:00
05/02/2017, 17:45
06/02/2017, 09:00
Jürgen Schukraft (CERN)
06/02/2017, 09:20
Alexander Schmah (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
06/02/2017, 10:00
Darren McGlinchey (University of Colorado)
06/02/2017, 10:20
Manuel Lorenz (University Frankfurt)
06/02/2017, 10:40
Antoni Aduszkiewicz (University of Warsaw (PL))
06/02/2017, 10:55
Anthony Robert Timmins (University of Houston (US))
06/02/2017, 11:30
Jiangyong Jia (State University of New York (US))
06/02/2017, 11:50
Yen-Jie Lee (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
06/02/2017, 12:10
Patrick Robbe (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
06/02/2017, 12:30
Korinna Christine Zapp (Instituto Superior Tecnico (PT))
06/02/2017, 15:30
Alice Ohlson (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
09/02/2017, 09:30
Dennis Perepelitsa (University of Colorado Boulder)
09/02/2017, 10:30
Leticia Cunqueiro Mendez (Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster (DE))
10/02/2017, 09:00
Dr Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler (University of Houston)
10/02/2017, 10:00
Daniel Pablos (Universitat de Barcelona)
10/02/2017, 10:30
Sarah Campbell (Columbia University (US)), Sarah Campbell (Columbia University)
10/02/2017, 11:30
Jean-Francois Paquet (Stony Brook University)
10/02/2017, 12:00
Qun Wang (University of Science and Technology of China)
10/02/2017, 16:30
William Zajc (Columbia University)
11/02/2017, 11:10
Dr Ulrich Heinz (The Ohio State University)

added for email list

Olga Evdokimov (University of Illinois at Chicago (US))

added for proceedings

Peter Martin Jacobs (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))

added for proceedings