6–14 Jul 2016
Europe/Athens timezone
Group photo: https://indico.cern.ch/event/442094/attachments/1146525/1956856/ICNFP_2016_Group_Photo.jpg

Poster session

Poster session

The poster session will be held on Monday 11th of July between 19:30 and 20:30 hours in the lobby of OAC. There will be 30 poster boards (they can be used on both sides, dimensions: 1.40x1.40m and 0.90x1.40m).

The poster presentations will be  published in the proceedings of the conference after a peer review with the same length as the oral presentations. In addition a Honorary Committee will award the best poster author.

To further encourage participation a wine tasting party will be associated with the poster session. 

Note: We kindly ask all participants to bring a bottle of typical wine or another traditional beverage of their country to share it during the poster session.

For details please contact  Maria Stefaniak  and CC to icnfp2016 

Titles of posters:

1. ABDOLMALEKI, Hamed, "Global Analysis of Parton Distribution Functions with Intrinsic Charm"
2. BARBOSA DOS SANTOS, Thiago, "Light geodesics near a decaying black hole"
3. BASALAEV, Artem, "Search for WIMP dark matter produced in association with a Z boson with the ATLAS detector"
4. DI LUZIO, Luca,      "A cosmologically safe KSVZ axion"
5. GADIROVA, Uker, "Investigation of the atmosphere of HD164136 (F2II)"
6. GHAFFARI-TURAN, Azam, "Next-to-Next-to-leading order QCD analysis of non-singlet structure functions"
7. GILLARD, Adam, "On the emergence of q-AdS physics and applications of q-deformations to neutrino oscillations"
8. GONZALEZ-MESTRES, Luis,  "The present status of Cosmology and new approaches to particles and Cosmos"
9. GONZALEZ-MESTRES, Luis, "Value of H, spinorial space-time and Universe's expansion"
10. HOELCK, Johannes,  NENDZIG, Felix, WOLSCHIN, Georg, "Magnetic field effects in ϒ dissociation"
11. JAIN, Poonam, "Systematic study of the anomolous feature of actinide region"
12. KATRAMATOU, Mina, "Measurement of the neutron to proton inelastic structure function ratio, and of the down to up quark distribution ratio in the nucleon"
13. KUMAR, Yogesh, "Production of electromagnetic radiation in relativistic heavy ion collisions"
14. MEGIAS, Eugenio, "Anomalous transport and Weyl semi-metals"
15. MINKOWSKI, Peter, "Overview on oscillatory modes of u, d, s qqq valence quark modes in bayons"
16. PAL, Kausik, "Transition temperature of QCD phase diagram in presence of external magnetic field"
17. SALIMI-AMIRI, Maryam,  "New parameterization for polarized parton densities with uncertainties"
18. SAMEDOV, Zahir, "Investigation of the Atmosphere of HD 164136"
19. SAMPSONIDOU, Despoina, "Precise determination of the muon reconstruction efficiency in ATLAS at Run-II"
20. SULEIMAN, Ramzi,  "A relativistic model of matter-wave duality explains the results of the double-slit experiment"
21. UKA, Arban, "The Wheeler-Dewitt Equation and the Search for new Physics at the Planck Scales"
22. VASILEIADIS, Georgios, " The GlueX Experiment at Jlab: Overview and Preliminary Results "
23. VECHERNIN, Vladimir, "Correlation between heavy flavour production and multiplicity in string fusion approach"
24. XU, Feng, "Brillouin scattering enhancement by the opto-acoustic excitation of a single nanoparticle"
25. ZAHEDI, Ramin,  "On the Logical Origin of the Laws Governing the Fundamental Forces of Nature: A New Axiomatic Algebraic (Matrix) Approach"
26. ZHOU, You,  "A drop of QGP produced in small collision system?"