6–14 Jul 2016
Europe/Athens timezone
Group photo: https://indico.cern.ch/event/442094/attachments/1146525/1956856/ICNFP_2016_Group_Photo.jpg


A special session devoted to Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravity will take place the 11th July 2016. Gravitational waves and its discovery will be one of the topics. 

If you are interested to participate in the session, please choose this topic in the abstract submission. You can also contact us by email to icnfp2016@gmail.com. 

List of some of the invited (confirmed) speakers includes:

Nicolas Leroy, LAL Orsay, France

Zurab Berezhiani, L'Aquila University and Gran Sasso National Laboratory, Italy

Igor Mishustin, University of Frankfurt, Germany

Vyacheslav Mukhanov, University of Munchen, Germany

Luciano Rezzolla, University of Frankfurt, Germany

Armen Sedrakian, University of Frankfurt, Germany