3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Natural Supersymmetry and Unification in Five Dimensions

7 Jul 2016, 14:20
Alice Hoy Room 225

Alice Hoy Room 225

Talk SUSY Models SUSY Models


Alan Cornell


We explore unification and natural supersymmetry in a five dimensional extension of the standard model in which the extra dimension may be large, of the order of 1-10 TeV. Power law running generates a TeV scale At term allowing for the observed 125 GeV Higgs and allowing for stop masses below 2 TeV, compatible with a natural SUSY spectrum. We supply the full one-loop RGEs for various models and use metastability to give a prediction that the gluino mass should be lighter than 3.5 TeV for At > -2.5 TeV, for such a compactification scale, with brane localised 3rd generation matter. We also discuss models in which only the 1st and 2nd generation of matter fields are located in the bulk. We also look at electroweak symmetry breaking in these models.


Alan Cornell


Aldo Deandrea (I) Dr Ammar Abdalgabar (Sudan University of Science and Technology) Moritz McGarrie (DESY)

Presentation materials