The scientific program will cover five days of plenary and parallel session talks, with Wednesday afternoon free for excursions. The scientific committee will select and invite plenary speakers, who will focus on the most recent developments in supersymmetry and other theories beyond the Standard Model.
Particular attention will be paid to new data from the LHC and themes such as Higgs, flavour, neutrino, and astroparticle physics, model building, and particle cosmology. We intend to nominate two conveners per parallel session to compile the program with all recent research highlights included.
Formal Field and String Theory
FFSTConveners: Peter Bouwknegt, Sergei Kuzenko, David Ridout
Higgs Physics
HPConveners: Markus Klute, Michael Spannowsky, Tao Liu
Flavour Physics
FPConveners: German Valencia, Phillip Urquijo
Precision Calculations and Simulations
PCSConveners: Nishita Desai, Sven Heinemeyer, Zachary Marshall
SUSY Models
SuMConvener: Howard Baer, Rohini Godbole, Tianjun Li, Florian Staub
Non-SUSY and Exotics
NSEConveners: Tony Gherghetta, Mihoko Nojiri, Adam Falkowski
Dark Matter and Particle Astrophysics
DMPAConveners: Genevieve Belanger, Anupam Mazumdar, Jenni Adams
Experimental and Collider Aspects of SUSY
ECASConveners: Geraldine Conti, Nazila Mahmoudi, Maurizio Pierini
Plenary Talks
PTPlenary speakers should use this track to submit the title and abstract of their already approved plenary talk.