3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Search for supersymmetry in hadronic final states with the MT2 variable

4 Jul 2016, 14:40
Sidney Myer Asia G02-G03

Sidney Myer Asia G02-G03

Talk Experimental and Collider Aspects of SUSY Experimental and Collider Aspects of SUSY


Mario Masciovecchio (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))


We present a search for supersymmetry in hadronic final
states with transverse momentum imbalance as measured by
the MT2 variable. Results are based on 2.3 fb-1 of 13 TeV
proton-proton collisions collected with the CMS detector . The
results are interpreted as limits on the masses of potential new
colored particles in a variety of simplified models of
supersymmetry, significantly improving existing the 8 TeV


Mario Masciovecchio (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))

Presentation materials