3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Searches for new phenomena in high-pT lepton final states using the ATLAS detector

4 Jul 2016, 15:00
Alice Hoy Room 242

Alice Hoy Room 242

Talk Non-SUSY and Exotics Non-SUSY and Exotics


Yosuke Takubo (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))


Searches for physics beyond the Standard Model are performed in final
states with high-pT leptons (including tau final states). We will
present results of searches for resonant, and non-resonant phenomena
in dilepton final states, searches for new phenomena in lepton +
missing momentum and lepton flavour violating final states. These
searches target a large range of beyond the Standard Model
phenomenology ranging from new massive W’ or Z’ bosons, Gravitons,
extra dimensions, black holes, contact interactions and heavy
sneutrinos. The full 2015 LHC proton-proton dataset is combined with
the data which has been collected so far during 2016, at √s = 13 TeV.


Yosuke Takubo (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))

Presentation materials