3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Leptonic CP violation and mass hierarchy in the presence of sterile neutrino

7 Jul 2016, 14:40
Alice Hoy Room 309

Alice Hoy Room 309

Talk Flavour Physics Flavour Physics


Zachary Matthews (University of Adelaide)


We investigate the impact of a light sterile neutrino (∼ eV) on the prospective data expected

from currently running long-baseline experiments T2K and NOνA. If the future short baseline

experiments confirm the existence of an eV scale sterile neutrino, then the 3+1 scheme will

modify the mass hierarchy and CP-violation searches of the 3 active neutrino scenario in

these two experiments (taken alone and in combination). We perform a detailed study of the

sensitivity of these two experiments in the presence of new active sterile mixing angles and

Dirac CP-violating phases. T2K and NOνA may give the first indications of new CP phases

involved in such a 3+1 scenario and enable the extraction of more information on this enlarged

active sterile mixing parameter sector.


Dr Shivani Gupta (University of Adelaide) Zachary Matthews (University of Adelaide)


Prof. Anthony Williams (University of Adelaide) Dr Pankaj Sharma (University of Adelaide)

Presentation materials