3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Grand Unification in the light of preliminary LHC hints of $W_R$

7 Jul 2016, 14:40
Alice Hoy Room 242

Alice Hoy Room 242

Talk Non-SUSY and Exotics Non-SUSY and Exotics


Dr Amitava Raychaudhuri (University of Calcutta, India)


In the LHC Run 1 CMS reported a 2.8$\sigma$ excess in the
$(2e)(2jets)$ channel around 2.1 TeV. We take this as a hint of
the production of a right-handed weak gauge boson, $W_R$, of the
left-right symmetric model arising from an $SO(10)$ grand unified
theory. We show that a $W_R$ with mass in the TeV region if
embedded in $SO(10)$ requires $0.64 \leq g_R/g_L \leq 0.78$,
when one abides by the Extended Survival Hypothesis. A unique
symmetry-breaking route -- the order being left-right discrete
symmetry breaking first, followed by $SU(4)_C$ and finally
$SU(2)_R$ -- is also picked out. The $L \leftrightarrow R$
discrete symmetry must be broken around $10^{16}$ GeV while the
GUT scale is pushed to $10^{18}$ GeV. So, in this model
observation of proton decay in ongoing searches is unlikely. On
the flip side, the $SU(4)_C$ breaking scale can be as low as
$10^6$ GeV so that $n - \bar{n}$ oscillation or flavour changing
decays such as $K_L \rightarrow \mu e$ and $B_{d,s} \rightarrow \mu e$ may be detectable. The Higgs scalars responsible for
symmetry breaking at various stages are uniquely identified so
long as one adheres to a minimalist principle. We also remark on
the scope of interpreting the $O$(TeV)-scale LHC Run 1
diboson and Run 2 diphoton indications within this model.


Dr Amitava Raychaudhuri (University of Calcutta, India)


Dr Biswajoy Brahmachari (Vidyasagar Evening College, Kolkata, India) Mr Triparno Bandyopadhyay (University of Calcutta, India)

Presentation materials