3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Diphoton Excess at 750 GeV from a Radion in the Bulk-Higgs Scenario

5 Jul 2016, 17:10
Alice Hoy Room 242

Alice Hoy Room 242

Talk Non-SUSY and Exotics Non-SUSY and Exotics


Andrew Spray (CoEPP, University of Melbourne)


We show that the recent diphoton excess observed by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations might originate from the radion of a warped extra dimension when the Higgs is located in the bulk. In this case the couplings of the radion to massive gauge bosons are suppressed, allowing it to evade existing searches. In the presence of kinetic and mass mixing with the Higgs, due to strong constraints from diboson searches, only points near what we denominate the alignment region are able to explain the diphoton signal and evade current experimental constraints. The radion always has a sizeable branching ratio into top pairs, which provides a model independent channel to probe this scenario in the near future. If alignment is strong it is also possible that diHiggs decays may dominate, providing stronger constraints and interesting perspectives for future collider searches.


Andrew Spray (CoEPP, University of Melbourne)


Anibal Medina (The University of Melbourne) Peter Cox Tirtha Sankar Ray (University of Melourne)

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