3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Explaining 750 GeV diphoton excess with scalar particles charged under new confining gauge interaction

5 Jul 2016, 15:00
Alice Hoy Room 242

Alice Hoy Room 242

Talk Non-SUSY and Exotics Non-SUSY and Exotics


Dr Robert Foot (University of Melbourne)


It is shown that a charged scalar particle $\chi$ of mass around 375 GeV charged under both
$\mathrm{SU}(3)_{\textsc{c}}$ and a new confining
non-abelian gauge interaction can explain the 750 GeV diphoton excess. After
pair production, these interactions confine the exotic scalar into
non-relativistic bound states whose decays into photons can explain the
discrepancy. Taking the new confining group to be $\mathrm{SU}(2)$, we find
$\chi$ must carry an electric charge of $Q \sim [\frac{1}{2}, 1]$ to fit the data.
Interestingly, we find that pair production of the scalars and the subsequent
formation of the bound state dominates over direct bound state resonance
production. This explanation is quite weakly constrained by current searches
and data from the forthcoming run at the LHC will be able to probe our
scenario more fully. In particular, at an invariant mass of around 750 GeV
dijet, mono-jet, di-Higgs and $\text{jet} + \text{photon}$ searches may be the most promising
discovery channels.

This work is based on arXiv: 1604.06180 (work done in collaboration with John Gargalionis).


Dr Robert Foot (University of Melbourne)

Presentation materials