Jorge de Blas
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
We present up to date limits from electroweak precision observables and Higgs-boson signal strengths on new physics beyond the Standard Model. We consider general extensions such as new physics in the form of oblique parameters, modified Zbb couplings, or modified Higgs-boson couplings, as well as the model-independent parameterization given by the dimension-six Standard-Model effective Lagrangian. We compare these results with the projection of the fit with the expected experimental improvements at future e+e- colliders. All the results have been computed with HEPfit code.
Enrico Franco
(INFN (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare))
Jorge de Blas
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
Laura Reina
(Florida State University (US))
Luca Silvestrini
(INFN Rome)
Marco Ciuchini
(INFN Sezione di Roma Tre)
Maurizio Pierini
Satoshi Mishima