3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

HEPfit: a Code for the Combination of Indirect and Direct Constraints on High Energy Physics Models

4 Jul 2016, 14:00
Alice Hoy Room 333

Alice Hoy Room 333

Talk Precision Calculations and Simulations Precision Calculations and Simulations


Dr Jorge de Blas (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)


HEPfit is a flexible tool which, given the Standard Model or any new physics extension, allows one to:

i) perform a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) based fit of the model to an specified set of experimental observables; 

ii) obtain numerical predictions for observables.

HEPfit can be used either in Monte Carlo mode, to perform a Bayesian MCMC analysis of the given model, or as a library, to obtain predictions of observables for a given point in the parameter space of the model, allowing our computational tool to be used in any statistical framework. A large set of electroweak, flavour and Higgs observables are implemented in the code along with a sizable set of new physics models.

The code is publicly available from the website of the HEPfit Collaboration: http://hepfit.roma1.infn.it

The developer version can be obtained from: https://github.com/silvest/HEPfit


Ayan Paul (INFN, Sezione di Roma) Debtosh Chowdhury (INFN, Roma) Enrico Franco (INFN (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare)) Dr Jorge de Blas (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics) Laura Reina (Florida State University (US)) Luca Silvestrini (INFN Rome) Marco Ciuchini (INFN) Marco Fedele (INFN RM1) Maurizio Pierini (CERN) Mauro Valli Otto Eberhardt (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Satoshi Mishima (KEK)

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