HEPfit is a flexible tool which, given the Standard Model or any new physics extension, allows one to:
i) perform a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) based fit of the model to an specified set of experimental observables;
ii) obtain numerical predictions for observables.
HEPfit can be used either in Monte Carlo mode, to perform a Bayesian MCMC analysis of the given model, or as a library, to obtain predictions of observables for a given point in the parameter space of the model, allowing our computational tool to be used in any statistical framework. A large set of electroweak, flavour and Higgs observables are implemented in the code along with a sizable set of new physics models.
The code is publicly available from the website of the HEPfit Collaboration: http://hepfit.roma1.infn.it
The developer version can be obtained from: https://github.com/silvest/HEPfit