3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Search for a high mass Higgs Boson in fermionic decay modes using the ATLAS detector

4 Jul 2016, 15:40
Yasuko Hiraoka Myer Room

Yasuko Hiraoka Myer Room

Talk Higgs Physics Higgs Physics


Blake Oliver Burghgrave (Northern Illinois University (US))


Several theories beyond the Standard Model, like the EWS or 2HDM models, predict the existence of high mass neutral or charged Higgs particles, which could decay into final states with fermions. In this presentation the latest ATLAS results on these searches will be discussed, using 3.2 ifb of p-p collisions at 13 TeV.


Blake Oliver Burghgrave (Northern Illinois University (US))

Presentation materials