3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Mass and event reconstruction under constraint in semi-invisible production at the LHC

7 Jul 2016, 17:10
Sidney Myer Asia G02-G03

Sidney Myer Asia G02-G03

Talk Experimental and Collider Aspects of SUSY Experimental and Collider Aspects of SUSY


Partha Konar (Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380 009, INDIA)


Semi-invisible production at the Large Hadron Collider are often theoretically essential or experimentally convenient signatures originated from a large class of physics models beyond the standard model. Be it light neutrino or some heavy exotic dark matter, observing absence being the signature of their presence, and any study looking into these neutral, stable missing particles remains complex. Here starting from an organizing principle, we present the developments on some of the constrained variables useful for deriving properties and couplings associated with these invisible particles.


Partha Konar (Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380 009, INDIA)


Abhaya Kumar Swain (Physical Research Laboratory)

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