3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Boosting the charged Higgs search using jet substructure at the LHC

7 Jul 2016, 15:20
Yasuko Hiraoka Myer Room

Yasuko Hiraoka Myer Room

Talk Higgs Physics Higgs Physics


Mr Riley Patrick (University of Adelaide)


Charged Higgs bosons are predicted in variety of theoretically well-motivated new physics models with extended Higgs sectors. In this study, we focus on a type-II two Higgs doublet model (2HDM-II) and consider a heavy charged Higgs with its mass ranging from 500 GeV to 1 TeV as dictated by the $b\to s\gamma$ constraints which render $M_{H^\pm}>480$ GeV. We study the dominant production mode $H^\pm t$ associated production with $H^\pm \to W^\pm A$ being the dominant decay channel when the pseudoscalar $A$ is considerably lighter. For such a heavy charged Higgs, both the decay products $W^\pm$ and $A$ are relatively boosted. In such a scenario, we apply the jet substructure analysis of tagging the fat pseudoscalar and $W$ jets in order to eliminate the standard model background efficiently. After performing the detailed detector simulation and applying the kinematical cuts, we present the LHC search sensitivities for the charged Higgs boson with mass up to 1 TeV in the $W^\pm A$ decay channel.


Mr Riley Patrick (University of Adelaide)


Prof. Anthony Williams (University of Adelaide) Jinmian Li (University of Adelaide) Pankaj Sharma (CoEPP, Adelaide)

Presentation materials