Debtosh Chowdhury
(INFN, Rome)
We present global fits of the Two-Higgs-Doublet models with a softly broken $Z_2$ symmetry. The results were obtained with the public HEPfit package and combine the effects of various constraints coming from experiment (including LHC run I) and theory. As for the latter, we use for the first time the next-to-leading order contributions to the scattering matrix of ``two scalar to two scalar" processes in a global Two-Higgs-Doublet model fit. We will discuss in detail how unitarity and perturbativity affect the model parameters.
Debtosh Chowdhury
(INFN, Rome)
Christopher W. Murphy
(Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
Luca Silvestrini
(INFN Rome)
Otto Eberhardt
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Vincenzo Cacchio
(INFN, Rome)