3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Higgs Inflation and UV completion

4 Jul 2016, 15:40
Carillo Gantner Theatre

Carillo Gantner Theatre

Carrillo Gantner Theatre, Sidney Myer Asia Centre The University of Melbourne VIC 3010 Australia
Talk Dark Matter and Particle Astrophysics Dark Matter and Particle Astrophysics


Anupam Mazumdar (Lancaster University)


I will discuss ultraviolet completion of the Standard Model Higgs inflation. I will argue why the Standard Model Higgs cannot be the inflaton once quantum corrections are taken into account.I will argue in this respect MSSM ( minimal supersymmetric Standard Model ) is still a plausible candidate to explain dark matter, baryogenesis and large scale structures.


Anupam Mazumdar (Lancaster University)

Presentation materials