3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Colour Breaking Baryogenesis

7 Jul 2016, 17:50
Carillo Gantner Theatre

Carillo Gantner Theatre

Carrillo Gantner Theatre, Sidney Myer Asia Centre The University of Melbourne VIC 3010 Australia
Talk Dark Matter and Particle Astrophysics Dark Matter and Particle Astrophysics


Graham White (Monash University)


We propose a new cosmological scenario for the production of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe which exploits a multistep phase transition in which SU(3) color symmetry is fist broken and then restored. Baryon production occurs during the initial transition mainly due to spontaneous breaking of B-L near the phase boundary. The same B-L violation leads to washout far away from the wall. However, as long as the second transition is not first-order and occurs before the total baryon asymmetry is depleted, all washout processes are quenched and some fraction of the baryon asymmetry produced persists as the observed baryon asymmetry of our Universe. We illustrate this mechanism with a simple model that reproduces the observed baryon asymmetry and discuss how certain aspects of such a scenario may potentially be probed by future electric dipole moment and collider searches.


Graham White (Monash University) Michael Ramsey-Musolf (U. Massachusetts Amherst) Peter Winslow (UBC/TRIUMF)

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