Formal Field and String Theory
- Sergei Kuzenko (The University of Western Australia)
Formal Field and String Theory
- Peter Bouwknegt (Australian National University)
Formal Field and String Theory
- David Ridout (University of Melbourne)
I will present results from work done with David Marsh (DAMTP, Cambridge) on the spectra of type IIB flux compactifications at large complex structure, as reported in our paper in JHEP (arXiv:1509.06761). In this work we considered four-dimensional effective supergravities arising in the low-energy limit of flux compactifications of type IIB string theory, and we computed the spectra of the...
We calculate Renyi entropy in supergravity background and recover the trivial entanglement entropy from localization terms. We calculate the two-point function of the energy-momentum tensors and study the analytic properties of Renyi entropy in large-N limit. We find the gravity duals of the supersymmetric Renyi entropies as a supersymmetric topological AdS4 black hole and evaluate the...
We construct N = 1 supersymmetric nonlocal theories in four dimension. We discuss Higher derivative extension of Kahler potential as well as that of superpotential. Then, we obtain the on-shell condition. As a concrete example, we consider nonlocal extension of the O'RAIFERATAIGH model and discuss how the mass formula is modified in comparison to the local case.
Engineering of supersymmetric(SUSY) gauge theories in string theories is a powerful tool to study the SUSY gauge theories and has lead to many fascinating dualities. It has been recently found that SUSY indices of certain SUSY gauge theories are related to two dimensional topological field theories (TFTs). For example, U(1) gauge theory with g-adjoint hyper-multiplets can be engineered using...
The cosmological constant problem can be reformulated in the brane world models. It was recently proposed that in “generalized” holographic Randall-Sundrum like models of spontaneously broken conformal invariance, a naturally light dilaton can be obtained via the condensation of a near marginal operator. The resulting 4D effective cosmological constant is also suppressed. We discuss...
In many extra-dimensional models, brane-localized mass terms are introduced in order to decouple unnecessary exotic particles from the four-dimensional effective theory. However, it should be noted that the impacts of the brane-localized terms become smaller as the codimensions increase. Thus it should numerically be checked how heavy the exotic parcticles can be by them. Here we study the...
Studies of four-dimensional confining supersymmetric theories on $R^3\times S^1$ have shown, via the power of supersymmetry, that instanton-antiinstanton "topological molecules" have profound effects on their vacuum structure. In the calculable semiclassical regime, these are found responsible for center stability, confinement, and discrete chiral symmetry breaking. These configurations also...
We derive the localization formula for ${\cal N}=4$ supersymmetric quiver quantum mechanics in the Higgs and Coulomb branch. The partition function (index) is exactly evaluated and it is shown that the path integral is localized at fixed points, which are given by solutions to the BRST equations combined with D-term and F-term conditions. We give some examples of the quiver theory and...
We study 1/4 Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) composite solitons of vortex strings, domain walls and boojums in N=2 supersymmetric Abelian gauge theories in four dimensions. We obtain both numerical and analytical solutions to the 1/4 BPS equations with the finite gauge coupling constant. We examine various configurations and clarify how the shape of the boojum depends on the coupling...
We first discuss that a full supersymmetry algebra cannot be realized
on lattice. This comes from the fact that the Leibniz rule of space-time
derivatives in the continuum cannot hold for finite difference operators
on lattice by the no-go theorem. We then propose a modified Leibniz rule,
called a cyclic Leibniz rule (CLR), on lattice, and consider a complex
supersymmetric quantum...
We construct the Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) action of a real linear multiplet
in 4D N = 1 supergravity. Based on conformal supergravity, we derive the
general condition under which the DBI action can be realized, and show that
it can be constructed in the new minimal supergravity. We also generalize it
to the matter coupled system.
I will discuss the most generic covariant construction of infinite derivative theory of gravity which is ghost free and singularity free around Minkowski background. I will discuss the propagator, Euclidean aspect of Quantum Gravity, Holographic interpretation of infinite derivative gravity, and describe how to obtain Ghost free propagator around
deSitter and Anti-deSitter...
We show the equivalence between the superspace formulation and the conventional component field approach based on the superconformal tensor calculus of ${\cal N}=1$ conformal supergravity in four dimensions, and that superspace formulation does not have the restriction previously discussed by
Kugo and Uehara.
We present also the correspondences of the conformal multiplets.
This talk is based...
Magnetic fluxes in extra dimensional space can be an origin of the flavor structure of the standard model. In particular, in higher-dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theories compactified on magnetized orbifolds, several MSSM-like models were constructed successfully.
In this work, we derive dynamical supersymmetry breaking models from a single SYM theory compactified on magnetized...
A new version of the SSM Action is constructed. The constuction starts with the usual SSM before any breaking is implemented. So there are the usual Chiral SU(2) Doublets and Singlets for the Left and Right Quark and Lepton Superfields, and the usual two Chiral SU(2) Doublets for the Higgs Superfields. One more Chiral SU(2) Triplet Higgs Superfield is added. These are coupled as usual to...
Soft-Collinear effective theory (SCET) is a framework for organizing the infrared structure of theories that manifest soft and collinear divergences in the Feynman diagram expansion. We provide the first demonstration that SCET can be made compatible with supersymmetry (SUSY). SCET is formulated by expanding fields along a light-like direction, and then subsequently integrating out...
Supersymmetry is undoubtedly a popular candidate for physics beyond the Standard Model. However, the origin of soft supersymmetry breaking masses has been usually depicted intricately in the literature via extra hidden/mediating sectors. Thus, a simple theory for the generation of the soft masses would be more compelling. In this talk, I will present the prototype model with a four-superfield...