Precision Calculations and Simulations
- Peter Skands (Monash University (AU))
Precision Calculations and Simulations
- Zachary Louis Marshall (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
Precision Calculations and Simulations
- Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Santander, ES))
HEPfit is a flexible tool which, given the Standard Model or any new physics extension, allows one to:
i) perform a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) based fit of the model to an specified set of experimental observables;
ii) obtain numerical predictions for observables.
HEPfit can be used either in Monte Carlo mode, to perform a Bayesian MCMC analysis of the given model, or as a...
The MasterCode collaboration ( is concerned with the investigation and fits of supersymmetric models. Within the MasterCode collaboration, state-of-the-art HEP Phenomenology codes are consistently combined to provide the most precise prediction for supersymmetric models to be confronted with experimental data.
Generally speaking, for the type of software developed...
A key research question at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the test of models of new physics. In this talk, we want to present two tools to recast direct LHC results to (any) BSM models. First, we discuss CheckMATE (Check Models At Terascale Energies) which is a program package which accepts simulated event files in many formats for any model. The program then determines whether the model...
SModelS is a tool designed for the interpretation of the LHC searches
for Beyond Standard Model (BSM) physics based on Simplified Models
Spectra (SMS).
SModelS performs the decomposition of arbitrary BSM scenarios
featuring a Z2 symmetry into their SMS components, and evaluates the
theoretical predictions for their production cross sections. These
predictions are then compared with the...
In this talk I will present an overview of GAMBIT, a soon-to-be released next-generation open-source global fitting tool, along with preliminary MSSM fit results. The GAMBIT project aims to fill a need in the phenomenology community for a robust and extensible tool for interfacing the physics calculators, advanced statistical sampling algorithms, and likelihood calculations that are necessary...
It is sometimes discussed that we may be in a meta-stable vacuum and its decay time is longer than the age of universe. In most papers, the decay rate is estimated without calculating the pre-exponential factor because they believe that it is much less significant than the exponential suppression factor. What we point out is that this estimate can involve a large error owing to the...
We present up to date limits from electroweak precision observables and Higgs-boson signal strengths on new physics beyond the Standard Model. We consider general extensions such as new physics in the form of oblique parameters, modified Zbb couplings, or modified Higgs-boson couplings, as well as the model-independent parameterization given by the dimension-six Standard-Model effective...
Now that the Higgs mass has been well measured at the Large Hadron
Collider (combined ATLAS and CMS mh = 125.09 \pm 0.24) it is very
important that the precision of the Higgs mass prediction in SUSY
models is improved. This is particularly challenging since both limits
on the sparticles and the Higgs mass indicate that the SUSY scale may
be quite large. A great deal of work has recently...
Since the discovery of a Higgs-like particle at the LHC considerable effort has been undertaken to reveal its nature and properties. To make significant comparisons of the experimental measurements and theory predictions, high-precision calculations are necessary.
One of the particle's basic properties is its mass; due to the very precise measurement, the current MSSM prediction is...
One way of describing deviations from the Standard Model is via Effective Field Theories or pseudo-observables, where higher order operators modify the couplings and the kinematics of the interaction of the Standard Model particles. Generating Monte Carlo events for every testable set of parameters for such a theory would require computing resources beyond the ones currently available in...
Jet vetoes are a common tool in the experimental SUSY searches for eliminating the SM QCD background. They introduce large logarithms (of the jet veto scale over the partonic invariant mass) in the SUSY cross sections, which increase with the SUSY particle mass and need to be resummed to obtain reliable cross section predictions. Using slepton production as an example, we show that the...
The NMSSM represents an elegant and well motivated description for the observed Higgs-like particle at the LHC. In this theory a scalar singlet together with its superpartner is added to the Higgs-sector of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). Compared to the MSSM the NMSSM provides a better description of the observed phenomenology including even the observed diboson excess at...
Majorana and pseudo-Dirac heavy neutrinos are introduced into the type-I and inverse seesaw models, respectively, in explaining the naturally small neutrino mass. TeV scale heavy neutrinos can also be accommodated to have a sizable mixing with the Standard Model light neutrinos, through which they can be produced and detected at the high energy colliders like LHC. We consider the...