27 August 2017 to 1 September 2017
RAI Congress Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

AC loss evaluation of a 10T class small REBCO coil with conduction-cooled configuration

29 Aug 2017, 16:00
G102-103 Room

G102-103 Room

Regular 15 minutes Oral Presentation G4 - Losses in Conductors and Coils Tue-Af-Or18


Sadanori Iwai (Toshiba Corporation)


In order to use a REBCO coil with conduction cooling configuration, AC loss of the coil should be quantitatively predicted and designed under the operating conditions. REBCO-coated conductor is a tape shape and is suited to be composed of a stack of single pancake coils for generating high magnetic field. And various research groups measured and evaluated the ac loss of the REBCO tape; however, there were few reports about the ac loss of the coil which were measured at liquid nitrogen temperature. In this report, the ac losses of the REBCO coil composed of a stack of 22 single pancakes with 50 mm in inner diameter, 132 mm in outer diameter and 105 mm in height, which achieved to generate 13.5 T at 10 K [1], were measured and evaluated with conduction cooling configuration. The experimental results will be compared with the calculated results and discussed at the conference.
[1] H. Miyazaki, et al., IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 27, no. 4, 4701705

Submitters Country Japan


Sadanori Iwai (Toshiba Corporation)


Dr Taizo Tosaka (Toshiba Corporation) Dr Shunji Nomura (Toshiba Corporation) Dr Tsutomu Kurusu (Toshiba Corporation) Hiroshi Ueda (Okayama University) So Noguchi (Hokkaido University) Atsushi Ishiyama (Waseda University) Mr Shinichi Urayama (Kyoto University) Dr Hidenao Fukuyama (Kyoto University) Dr Hiroshi Miyazaki (Toshiba Corporation) Mr Yasumi Otani (Toshiba Corporation)

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