27 August 2017 to 1 September 2017
RAI Congress Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

A method of critical current measurement for HTS tape using pulsed current

30 Aug 2017, 13:15
1h 45m
Posters Area

Posters Area

Poster Presentation of 1h45m F2 - High-Tc Wires and Cables Wed-Af-Po3.09


A-Rong Kim (Research Institue of industrial Science & Technology (RIST))


To evaluate the critical current (Ic) of HTS tape in various temperature conditions, the cryostat with conduction cooling system is widely used with DC power supply. But the continuously increasing DC current affects the temperature rising of metallic parts such as copper terminal for conduction cooling, HTS tape holder, current leads, and contact parts by joule heating. The temperature increasing seriously affects the measuring factors which are voltage, resistance, or temperature, and then users may get the wrong results. To minimize the heating effect, the authors considered the pulsed current instead of DC current for power supply. A cryostat consists of cryogenic refrigerant for conduction cooling and metallic current leads for 2,500A. Both DC and pulsed current were tested in the same conditions which were HTS tape and temperature. The measurement results of HTS tape using pulsed current are given in this paper.

Submitters Country Republic of Korea

Primary authors

A-Rong Kim (Research Institue of industrial Science & Technology (RIST)) Dr Zhong-Soo Lim (Research Institute of industrial Science & Technology) Dr Taewon Kim (Research Institute of industrial Science & Technology) Minwon Park (Changwon National University) Kiwook YUN (Kyushu university) Mr Sangwon Yoon (SuNAM Co., Ltd.) Prof. In-Keun Yu (Changwon National Univerisity)

Presentation materials