27 August 2017 to 1 September 2017
RAI Congress Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Progresses in Mg11B2 intermediate superconductors initiatives in India

30 Aug 2017, 13:15
1h 45m
Posters Area

Posters Area

Poster Presentation of 1h45m F3 - MgB2 and Iron-based Wires and Cables Wed-Af-Po3.09


Dr Subrata Pradhan (Institute for Plasma Research)


Magnesium Diboride (MgB2) superconductors with 11B serving as the boron source, is a potential candidate as an intermediate superconductor in thermo-nuclear fusion reactors having higher neutron flux environment. 11B in elemental form is known to be stable against fast neutron irradiation with significantly lower and reduced radioactive properties. Scientific Research Council of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE-SRC), Government of India has recognized the development of Mg11B2 based intermediate superconductor as one of the research areas appropriate for Tokamak based thermo-nuclear fusion reactors and has begun preliminary feasibility studies since 2016. Under these initiatives; the synthesis of isotope 11B, characterization of the synthesized 11B, fabrication of Mg11B2 strands and characterization of the Mg11B2 strands thus fabricated have been planned to be studied extensively. Doping with amorphous carbon towards the possible enhancement of current carrying capabilities of the synthesized Mg11B2 would also be tried out. The initial progresses made and results achieved in developing the Mg11B2 intermediate superconductor in India will be discussed in this paper.

Submitters Country India

Primary author

Dr Subrata Pradhan (Institute for Plasma Research)

Presentation materials